
点源作用下的飞机客舱空气污染物分布 被引量:1

Simulation on aircraft cabin air pollutant distribution under point source effect
摘要 针对单个点源释放的气体污染物在客舱内的分布情况和影响范围,建立具有20排座椅的B737-700客机完整经济舱模型,采用Fluent软件对气体污染物在客舱空调系统作用下的扩散过程进行仿真,对比污染源位于侧壁、行李架和座椅时的污染物分布差异,并分析超过危险浓度阈值的污染物分布范围随污染源释放率的变化关系。结果表明:在空调系统作用下,相同污染物在不同位置上释放的影响范围基本相同;污染物影响范围随释放率的增加呈幂增长。 In order to obtain the distribution and influencing range of gas pollutants in cabin released by single point source,the complete economy class cabin model of B737-700 with 20 rows of seats is established and the diffusion process of gas pollutants under the influence of cabin AC system is simulated by Fluent.Comparing the difference among pollutant distribution with pollutant source separately locating on sidewall,on luggage rack and in seat,the relation between pollutant distribution range exceeding the threshold of dangerous concentration and the releasing rate of pollutant source is analyzed.Simulation results show that the same pollutants released at different locations have the similar influencing range under the action of AC system.The pollutant influencing range exponentially increases with the releasing rate.
作者 费春国 蔡珊珊 王阳 姬雨初 FEI Chunguo;CAI Shanshan;WANG Yang;JI Yuchu(College of Electric Information and Automation,CAUC,Tianjin 300300,China;Intelligent signal and Image Processing key Lab of Tianjin,CAUC,Tianjin 300300,China)
出处 《中国民航大学学报》 CAS 2019年第5期41-45,59,共6页 Journal of Civil Aviation University of China
基金 天津市智能信号与图像处理重点实验室开放基金项目(2017ASP-TJ02) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项(3122017005,3122016D015) 中国民航大学科研启动基金项目(2013QD22X)
关键词 飞机客舱 污染物分布 污染物释放率 FLUENT aircraft cabin pollutant distribution pollutant releasing rate Fluent
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