

Study on accuracy of the amount of bleeding through vaginal delivery evaluated by two evaluation methods
摘要 目的分析两种评估方法对经阴道分娩出血量的评估准确性。方法选取2018年1月至2019年4月入住我院并接受阴道自然分娩的160例产妇为研究对象,按照住院的前后顺序将其等分为对照组和研究组,对照组实施称重法,研究组实施目测法,比较两种方法评估阴道分娩出血量的差异情况以及医师和助产士评估出血量的差值。结果在不同分层中目测法对阴道分娩出血量评估差异有统计学意义(P <0. 05)。在总体和低估部分上,医师和助产士的评估差值比较差异无统计学意义(P> 0. 05);在高估部分病例中,医师的评估出血量明显高于助产士(P<0. 05);两种方法测量差值在高估部分与工作年限呈负相关性(P <0. 05)。结论培训后目测法对经阴道分娩出血量的评估准确性明显高于称重法,但是仍有低估的发生,需提高目测法的准确性。临床上要尽量使用称重法进行评估,无法称重的可以采用目测法评估。 Objective To analyze the accuracy of the amount of bleeding through vaginal delivery evaluated by two evaluation methods. Methods To select 160 cases of pregnant women who were admitted to our hospital and received vaginal natural delivery from January 2018 to April 2019 as a study object. They were divided into the control group and the study group according to the order of hospitalization. The control group implemented a weighing method. The study group performed a visual method,comparing the two methods to assess the difference situation of the amount of bleeding through vaginal delivery and the difference value of amount of bleeding evaluated between the physician and the midwife. Results The difference of visual assessment in the amount of bleeding through vaginal delivery was statistically significant in different stratifications( P < 0. 05). In the overall and underestimate,there was no statistically significant in difference value of amount of bleeding evaluated physician and the midwife( P > 0. 05). In some overestimated cases,the amount of bleeding evaluated by the physician significantly higher than that of the midwife( P < 0. 05);the difference value measured by the two methods was negatively correlated with the wok seniority in the overestimated part( P < 0. 05). Conclusion The accuracy of visual assessment of amount of bleeding through vaginal delivery after training was significantly higher than that of the weighing method,but there was still an occurrence of underestimation situation,and the accuracy of the visual method needed to be improved. Clinically,we should use the weighing method to evaluate it. If it couldn’t be weighed,only by visual method could be evaluated.
作者 徐桂平 XU Gui-ping
出处 《护理实践与研究》 2019年第22期114-115,共2页 Nursing Practice and Research
关键词 目测法 经阴道分娩 出血量 Visual method Vaginal delivery Blood loss
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