
马克思、恩格斯文学批评标准再阐释——兼论新时代中国文学批评历史之维与美学之维的建构 被引量:1

Reinterpretation of Marx and Engels’ Literary Criticism Standard——On Chinese Literary Criticism in the New Era from the Perspective of Historical and Aesthetic Viewpoints
摘要 超越片面强调政治性或审美性,在新的时代语境下进一步深入阐发马克思、恩格斯文学批评“美学观点”和“历史观点”的内涵,彰显它的意义,对新时代中国文学批评历史之维和美学之维的建构意义重大。马克思、恩格斯从不在“美学观点”和“历史观点”之间失去平衡或有所偏废,他们的文学批评中,两种观点是相互内在、相互渗透的。“美学观点”不是封闭在文本之内的只停留于技术层面的形式和写作技巧赏析,也不是抽象的美学理论的生搬硬套;“历史观点”不是把作品解释为经济、政治的直接对应物,也不是抽象的时代精神的简单比附。 It is of great significance for the construction of the historical and aesthetic dimension of Chinese literary criticism in the new era to go beyond the one-sided emphasis on political or aesthetic nature and further elaborate the connotation of“aesthetic viewpoint”and“historical viewpoint”of Marx and Engels’literary criticism in the context of the new era and highlight its significance.Marx and Engels understood literature as a writer’s poetic judgment on life,whose aesthetic value and social significance were integrated into one whole.Therefore,their literary criticism never lost balance or was partial or neglected between“aesthetic viewpoint”and“historical viewpoint”.In their literary criticism,the two viewpoints are two aspects of a standard that are mutually intrinsic and permeating,instead of two standards.“Aesthetic viewpoint”is not the form and writing skill appreciation confined to the technical level within the text,nor is it an abstract copy of aesthetic theory“.Historical viewpoint”does not interpret works as direct economic and political counterparts,nor is it a simple comparison of abstract zeitgeist.
作者 姜桂华 Jiang Guihua(College of Liberal Arts,Shenyang Normal University,Shenyang Liaoning 110034)
出处 《沈阳师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2019年第6期76-81,共6页 Journal of Shenyang Normal University(Social Science Edition)
基金 辽宁省社会科学规划基金项目(L17BZW006)
关键词 马克思 恩格斯 文学批评 美学观点 历史观点 Karl Heinrich Marx Friedrich Engels literary criticism aesthetic viewpoint historical viewpoint
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