

Treatment measures of soft soil foundation in construction of traffic and civil engineering
摘要 处理软土地基采用的措施主要包含以下几方面:换填垫层。对路基中的含水土壤进行置换,在地基下面铺垫一些防腐性能、铺设性能、承重性能较好的特殊材料,提高路面质量。压实软土。使用轧路机对软土路面进行反复压实,降低软土地基土壤之间的空隙,用黏土或黄土等物质进行填充搅拌,提高填充物的黏度、硬度、密度。高压喷射注浆法。将钻机打入地基的最底层,软土地基的浆液会从管道中释放出来,能够使地基发生根本性的变化,要反复操作,以提高软土地基的硬度,适合在含水量特别多的软土路基中使用。排水固结法。改善地基的排水受压能力,为排水增加预压力,提高软土的黏性,降低水渗性。真空预压法。利用空压制造机向地基中喷射一些粉体,待完全搅拌均匀后能有效硬化软土。高压灌浆法。使水泥或其他物质浆液与路基下方的浆液进行混合,形成坚硬的土层,以解决土层偏软的问题。静力压桩法。利用静力压桩机将混凝土桩深入到路基的软土层中,不断进行压实。 The measures adopted to treat soft soil foundation mainly include the following aspects: replacement of cushion, the water-bearing soil in the roadbed is replaced, and some special materials with good anti-corrosion, paving and load-bearing properties are laid under the roadbed to improve the quality of the road surface. Compacted soft soil, roller is used to compact the soft soil pavement repeatedly, reduce the voids between the soft soil foundation soil, fill and mix with clay or loess, and improve the viscosity, hardness and density of the filler. High pressure jet grouting method, drilling the drill into the bottom layer of the foundation, the grout of the soft soil foundation will be released from the pipeline, which can make the foundation change fundamentally. It is necessary to operate repeatedly to improve the hardness of the soft soil foundation, which is suitable for use in the soft soil roadbed with special water content. Drainage consolidation method, to improve the drainage compression capacity of the foundation, increase the pre-pressure for drainage, improve the cohesion of soft soil, and reduce water permeability. Vacuum preloading method, the soft soil can be effectively hardened by spraying some powder into the foundation by air-compaction machine after complete mixing. High pressure grouting method, the cement or other material slurry is mixed with the slurry under the roadbed to form a hard soil layer to solve the problem of soft soil layer. Static piling method, the concrete piles are penetrated into the soft soil layer of the roadbed by the static pile-pressing machine, and are continuously compacted.
作者 白靖宇 BAI Jing-yu(Changchun Municipal Engineering Design Institute, Changchun 130033, China)
出处 《黑龙江科学》 2019年第20期86-87,共2页 Heilongjiang Science
关键词 交通土建工程施工 软土地基 处理策略 Traffic and civil engineering construction Soft soil foundation Treatment strategy
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