
扩大故障注入范围的SM4差分故障攻击研究 被引量:2

Study on SM4 Differential Fault Attack Under Extended Fault Injection Range
摘要 为了使SM4分组密码的差分故障攻击在现实条件下更容易实现,文中深入研究并分析了可用于SM4差分故障攻击的各种方法。在现有的故障攻击方法基础上,提出了一种将故障注入的范围扩大到加密算法第26轮的攻击方法,解除了以往攻击方法中故障必须注入到加密算法后4轮的限制,达到了扩大可故障注入范围的目的。 In order to make the differential fault attack on SM4 block cipher easier to implement under real conditions,various methods were studied and analyzed in depth for SM4 differential fault attack in this paper.Among the existing fault attack methods,this paper proposed a new attack method,which allow the scope of fault injection to extend to the 26th round of encryption algorithm.The limitation is removed that the fault must be injected into the last four rounds of encryption algorithm in the previous attack methods,and the purpose is achieved than expanding the fault injection range.
作者 朱仁杰 ZHU Ren-jie(Department of Information Security,Naval University of Engineering,Wuhan 430000,China)
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第S11期493-495,506,共4页 Computer Science
基金 保密通信国防科技重点实验室基金项目(614210301030117)资助
关键词 差分故障攻击 扩大故障范围 SM4分组密码算法 Different fault attack Extended fault injection range SM4 block cipher
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