
农业科技园区低功耗广域网络搭建实践与展望 被引量:2

Practice and Prospects of Building LPWAN in Agricultural Science and Technology Park
摘要 比较了现有各种低功耗广域网络(Low-Power Wide-Area Network,LPWAN)的优缺点和发展态势,针对窄带物联网(NB-IoT)和LoRa两种主流通讯协议进行了重点介绍和优缺点分析,介绍了在农业科技园区进行实际搭建LoRa环境的情况,给出了本实验环境下的设施大棚点位测试和可视距离测试,提出了设施大棚传感器点位放置建议。对农业生产经营者和农业科技园区管理者在物联网网络选择方面给出了参考建议,对于规模不太大、电信网络覆盖良好的园区,建议选择NB-IoT技术来搭建自己的物联网;对于规模很大、电信网络覆盖又比较差的园区,建议组建自己的LoRaWAN网络开展物联网应用。最后,对5G、LPWAN、区块链、边缘计算等新一代信息技术的综合应用将助力构建未来价值物联网络进行了展望。 This paper compared the advantages and disadvantages of various LPWAN and their development trends,the two main communication protocols of NB-IoT and LoRa were introduced and their advantages and disadvantages were analyzed.How to build LPWAN in agricultural science and technology park were introduced,and site test of greenhouse and visual distance test were given based on this experimental environment,suggestions for sensor placement in greenhouse were put forward.Some suggestions on the choice of IoT network for agricultural producers and managers of agricultural science and technology parks were given,for the parks with small scale and good coverage of telecommunications network,selecting NB-IOT technology to build its own Internet of Things was recommend;for the park with large scale and poor coverage of telecommunication network,establishing its own LoRaWAN network for Internet of Things application were proposed.Finally,the authors looked forward to the application of the new generation of information technology such as 5G,LPWAN,blockchain and edge calculation on helping to build the future value IoT network.
作者 孙志国 冀智强 王红艳 黄河 丁永波 于涛 Sun Zhiguo;Ji Zhiqiang;Wang Hongyan;Huang He;Ding Yongbo;Yu Tao(Agricultural Information Institute of CAAS,Beijing 100081;Ningxia Agricultural IoT Engineering and Technology Research Center,Yinchuan 750000,Ningxia;Intelligent Machines Institute of CAS,Hefei 230031,Anhui)
出处 《农业展望》 2019年第10期104-107,共4页 Agricultural Outlook
基金 宁夏智慧农业关键技术研究与集成示范项目(2017BY067)
关键词 LoRa LoRaWAN 低功耗广域网络 窄带物联网 农业科技园区 LoRa LoRaWAN LPWAN NB-IoT agricultural science and technology park
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