
盐改后天津市各区县超市食盐销售及公众消费情况调查分析 被引量:8

Investigation and analysis of salt sales and public consumption in supermarkets in Tianjin after salt reform
摘要 目的为及时了解国家盐业体制改革方案出台后天津市各区县超市碘盐和无碘盐的售卖情况,以及消费者选择食盐的态度和原因,为保障公众碘营养适宜进行科学补碘提供依据。方法 2017年12月-2018年5月采用分层抽样的方法在天津16个区内按东南西北中5个方向随机选择4~8个三种不同规模的超市进行抽样调查,应用人群比例概率抽样法(PPS)在每个区选择25位消费者对其进行问卷调查。由调查员询问并记录被调查对象的年龄、性别、选择食盐的类型,一袋盐的食用时间,家庭用餐人数,海产品的食用频率,家里是否有特殊人群(儿童、孕妇、哺乳期妇女),选择加碘盐或者无碘盐的原因等;以及询问超市相关负责人员食盐的售卖类型及比例,碘盐和无碘盐的月销售量以及销售量的变化趋势等。结果在调查的94个不同规模的超市中碘盐的销售量明显大于无碘盐的销售量,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。40.0%的超市无碘盐销售量上升,32.9%的超市碘盐销售量上升。不同食盐选择类型的人群间甲状腺疾病的患病率存在差异,差异具有统计学意义(χ^2=15.052,P<0.05),无碘盐组甲状腺疾病的患病率较高。不同性别和年龄组间甲状腺疾病的患病率差异无统计学意义(χ^2=0.937,P>0.05;χ^2=2. 442,P>0.05)。从消费者选择不同类型食盐的原因可以看出,选择碘盐的人群中,习惯(45.0%)占的比例较大,预防甲状腺疾病占49.6%;在选择无碘盐的人群中,认为天津是海边城市不需补碘的占55.9%,预防甲状腺疾病的人群占35.6%。在混合食用的人群中认为不需要补碘的人群占40.0%,预防甲状腺疾病占46.9%。结论消费者并不了解自身的碘营养状况,在选择食盐类型时存在盲目性和误区。 OBJECTIVE To investigate the consumption status of iodized and iodine-free salt and the attitude and reasons for Tianjin residents to choose salt after the reformation of the salt industry systems,and to provide a scientific basis for iodine supplementation and protect the public iodine adequate. METHODS Stratified sampling method was used to investigate supermarkets of different sizes in 16 districts of Tianjin from December 2017 to May 2018. And 4-8 different sizes supermarkets were selected in the east,south,west,north,and middle directions of each district,and 25 consumers were selected in each district to conduct a questionnaire survey by Population Proportionate Sampling(PPS). Questionnaire survey was used by investigators to ask and record the respondents age,gender,salt type,time to eat a bag of salt,number of people dining,frequency of seafood consumption,special populations in the family(children,pregnant women or lactating women),reasons for choosing iodized salt or iodine-free salt.And the supermarket sales staff were questioned on the type and proportion of salt sold,the monthly sales of iodized salt and non-iodized salt,and the trend of sales volume.RESULTS The sales volume of iodized salt was significantly greater than that of noniodized salt in the 94 different supermarkets(P<0.05). Supermarkets with a rise in sales volume of non-iodized salt and iodized salt accounted for 40.0% and 32.9%,respectively.Significance difference was found in the prevalence of thyroid disease among people with different salt selection types(χ^2= 15.052,P<0.05). The prevalence of thyroid disease is higher in the non-iodized salt group. No significant difference was found in the prevalence of thyroid disease between different genders and age groups(χ^2= 0. 937,P > 0. 05;χ^2=2. 442,P > 0. 05). From the reasons why consumers choose different types of salt,the choice of iodized salt in the population, habits(45. 0%) accounted for a larger proportion,the prevention of thyroid disease accounted for 49.6%. Among the people who chose to have no iodized salt,it is considered that Tianjin is a seaside city that does not need iodine supplementation,accounting for 55. 9%,and those who prevent thyroid disease account for 35.6%. Prevention of thyroid disease account for 46.9% and those who do not need iodine supplementation account for 40. 0% in a mixed population.CONCLUSION There are blindness and misunderstanding when consumers select the type of salt.
作者 孙昊 高敏 郭文星 张琪 白艳波 高述 武文 张万起 Sun Hao;Gao Min;Guo Wenxing;Zhang Qi;Bai Yanbo;Gao Shu;Wu Wen;Zhang Wanqi(School of Public Health,Tianjin Medical University,Tianjin 300070,China)
出处 《卫生研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第6期932-937,共6页 Journal of Hygiene Research
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(No.71774115)
关键词 碘盐 无碘盐 甲状腺疾病 iodized salt iodine-free salt thyroid disease salt industry system reform
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