
内容、态度与知识建构——线上学习社区中的互动质量研究 被引量:6

Content, Attitude and Knowledge Construction: Interaction in Chinese Online Learning Community
摘要 在线上学习社区,参与者在互动过程中进行意义协商和知识建构。中国网络空间中的大规模开放在线课程往往是教师和助教不在场,远距离、异质性的网民通过有中文字幕的视频学习课程,在课程对应的讨论区参与讨论,在社会参与中学习。为了分析该类计算机中介的学习社区中互动的质量和知识建构的过程,该研究采用内容分析方法分析慕课讨论区的文本,发现线上学习社区的讨论内容、互动方式、态度情绪和地理位置都对知识建构产生影响。 In online learning communities, participants negotiate meaning and construct knowledge through interactions. Massive Open Online Courses(MOOCs) in China usually is a form of teaching and learning without the special or temporal co-presence of teachers and teaching assistants;and where equal but heterogeneous users far away from one another learn through watching video courses with Chinese subtitles. These users participate in discussions in the course-related forums, and learn through social participation. To understand how knowledge is constructed in such computer-mediated environment, this study uses content analysis to study the comment posed by users in a Chinese MOOC forum. The results suggest that discussion topics, ways of interaction, and negatively vs. positively valence emotions influence how knowledge is constructed.
作者 叶韦明 余树彬 Ye Weiming;Yu Shubin(HSBC Business School,Peking University,Shenzhen 518055)
出处 《教育发展研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第17期52-57,共6页 Research in Educational Development
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目“大规模开放在线课程的社会网络和社区研究”(14YJC860035)的部分成果
关键词 大规模开放在线课程 线上学习社区 知识建构 互动 Massive Open Online Course online learning community knowledge construction interaction content analysis
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