
为未来做好准备——美国马萨诸塞州下一代综合测评体系的新特点 被引量:1

Be Ready for the Future ——The New Features of American Massachusetts Next-Gen MCAS
摘要 美国马萨诸塞州中小学教育委员会于2015年正式开始实施下一代综合测评体系,旨在帮助该州学生"为未来做好准备"。相较于之前的测评体系,其主要特点是:在未来导向的学科框架和标准基础上设计测评内容,以帮助学生为未来的大学学习、职业生涯和公民社会参与做好准备;采用基于电脑的测试方式,以还原高度信息化的生活环境,帮助学生适应当前的数字化时代,提升学生的电脑操作能力,增加学生的人机交互体验;实施着眼于"未来"的期望达成模式测评标准,以更好地对学生的学业表现进行评价;在测评结果的使用方面,重视对学生的作答记录进行分析,为家长提供完整的学生学业表现,重视高需求学生的学业成绩进步,从而改善全体学生未来的学业成就。 American Massachusetts Board of Elementary and Secondary Education conducted NextGeneration MCAS since November 2015, with the purpose of helping all students of the whole state be ready for the future. Compared with the last MCAS, the main features of the new are as follows, designing the assessment contents based on future-oriented curriculum frameworks and standards to help students be ready for future college study, career and civic society;adopting computer-based test to simulate information age environment in order to help them adjust to the digital times, promote their computer skills and enrich their experience on human-computer interaction;conducting expectation meeting mode, which concentrates on "future", to better assess students’ academic performance;improving whole Massachusetts students’ academic performance by analyzing the record of students’ taking tests, providing parents with complete students’ academic performance and increasing high-need students’ academic scores in the process of using assessment results.
作者 蔡娟 CAI Juan(Institute of International and Comparative Education,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875)
出处 《比较教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第11期59-65,共7页 International and Comparative Education
基金 北京市社会科学基金重大项目“国际大都市基础教育质量比较研究”(项目编号:17ZDA18)的阶段性成果
关键词 基础教育 教育质量 下一代综合测评体系 美国 basic education quality of education Next-Gen MCAS American
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