

The Relationship between Lao Zi’s Taoism and Chuang-tzu’s Enjoyment in Untroubled Ease
摘要 本文对庄子《逍遥游》的主题重新进行释读。司马迁评价庄子之学"其要归本归于老子之言",历来解庄者,对此阐发不明。《逍遥游》作为《庄子》首篇,开宗明义,实为"明道""颂道"之作,这个"道"即为老子之道。通过考察老子与巫史传统的关系,可以对老子的道论作出新的理解。老子之"道"实际上是从上古时期的"上帝""皇天"等宗教神衹转化而来的一种抽象存在,它虽已不再是人格神,但仍然作为造物主,成为产生和支配宇宙万有的决定性力量。《逍遥游》三节内容,从文脉上看,似全为庄子对惠子的"布道"之言。第一节,通过写小大之辨和万物的有待性,庄子意在描述道体的无大无小及其绝待性、永恒性;第二节,庄子意在说明"证道""见道"乃是人生最大的幸福追求;第三节以瓠、樗为喻,庄子说明道之大用在于实现人生的自由和逍遥。总之,《逍遥游》并非如传统所说仅是一种心灵无待的自由境界,而是围绕老子宗教性的终极之道而展开的象喻化的文学说明。 This paper renews the interpretation of the topic of Chuang-tzu’s Enjoyment in Untroubled Ease. Sima Qian once appraised that the most essential point of Chuang-tzu’s theory lied on the words taken from Lao Zi. However, the scholars in the past failed to make it explicit. As the beginning chapter, Enjoyment in Untroubled Ease puts the purpose and main theme clear that this article is aimed to explain and extol Taoism. By investigating the relation between Lao Zi and the witchcraft tradition in ancient China, some newly found implications of his Taoism would be definitely dig out. Taoism is originated from the religious deities like "God", "Heaven", etc. Although they are no longer the type of gods with human characters, it still turns out to be the Creator with the determining power to create the universe and dominate everything.There are altogether 3 parts in the passage. Literally speaking, it seems like that Chuang-tzu is preaching to Hui Zi. In part one, by comparing "the Debate on the Difference between the Small and the Big" with "the Rely-on of all things", Chuang-tzu aims to depict the features of "the Average Size of Everything", "the Independence" and its eternity. In part two, he means to illustrate that the extreme happiness in a lifetime is to prove and pursue Taoism. In part three, he compares it to the Peponidium and the tree of heaven to conclude that the significant of Taoism lies upon the fact that one can be truly free and unrestrained in real life.In general, Enjoyment in Untroubled Ease is a piece of literary work full of metaphors. It mainly concerns about the extreme religious views in Lao Zi’s Taoism, but not on the freedom of independent minds as mentioned in the traditional researches.
作者 武道房 Wu Daofang(School of Liberal Arts,Anhui Normal University,Wuhu 241000)
出处 《浙江社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第11期94-106,124,158,159,共16页 Zhejiang Social Sciences
关键词 老子 道论 庄子 惠子 逍遥游 造物主 Lao Zi Taoism Chuang-tzu HuiZi Enjoyment in Untroubled Ease the Creator
分类号 C [社会学]
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