
年龄、分娩损伤因素对小鼠肛提肌组织中ArfGAP 3表达的影响 被引量:2

Effects of age and delivery on ArfGAP 3 expression in mouse levator ani muscle
摘要 目的探究年龄、分娩损伤因素对C 57 BL/6小鼠肛提肌组织中ADP-核糖基化因子GTP酶活化蛋白3(ADP-ribosylation factor GTPase-activating protein 3,ArfGAP 3)表达的影响。方法选取健康3月龄雌性处鼠、9月龄雌性处鼠、9月龄雌性分娩6~7次小鼠各6只,分别为年轻未孕组、中老年未孕组、中老年多产组,共3组。取各组小鼠肛提肌组织,采用Western-blot、免疫组化技术检测ArfGAP 3在肛提肌组织中的表达及组织内的定位。进一步通过生物信息学手段分析数据集GSE 34388、GSE 103726中ArfGAP 3表达的影响。结果 Western-blot和免疫组织化学检测结果均显示ArfGAP 3在中老年多产组小鼠肛提肌组织中的表达量显著低于年轻未孕组和中老年未孕组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);年轻未孕组和中老年未孕组肛提肌组织中的ArfGAP 3表达差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。GSE 34388、GSE 103726数据集分析显示年龄因素对骨骼肌组织表达ArfGAP 3基因无影响,机械损伤能够使骨骼肌组织中ArfGAP 3表达降低。结论年龄因素对小鼠肛提肌组织中ArfGAP 3的表达无明显影响,分娩因素能降低影响肛提肌组织中ArfGAP 3表达,可能与分娩造成的肛提肌损伤相关。 Objective To detect the effects of age and delivery on the expression of ArfGAP 3 in the levator ani muscle(LAM) of C57 BL/6 mice. Methods Virgin mice aged 3-months, virgin mice aged 9-months, and non-virgin aged 9-months with 6 to 7 pregnancy were selected for this experiment, for young non-pregnant group, old non-pregnant group and old productive group, 6 in each group. The LAM of each group was choose to get further sdudy with Western-blot and immunohistochemistry.The expression of ArfGAP 3 protein and localization in tissue of ArfGAP 3 were detected. Furthermore, the effects of age and injury on ArfGAP 3 expression in skeletal muscle tissues were further explored in dataset GSE 34388 and GSE 103726.Results Western blot and immunohistochemistry test results show the expression of ArfGAP 3 in LAM of old productive group was significantly lower than the expression of the other 2 group. The differences were statistically significant(P<0.05).There was no statistically significant difference in the expression of ArfGAP 3 in the LAM between the young non-pregnant group and the old non-pregnant group(P>0.05). The results of GSE 34388 and GSE 103726 analysis showed that age had no effect on the expression of ArfGAP 3 gene in skeletal muscle tissue, and mechanical injury could reduce its expression. Conclusion Aging has no effect on the expression of ArfGAP 3 in the LAM of mice. Multiple pregnancy and delivery reduced its expression, which might be related to the injury of LAM lead by delivery.
作者 郝梦磊 洪莉 汤剑明 胡鸣 李素廷 王琳琳 陈乾 HAO Meng-lei;HONG Li;TANG Jian-ming;HU Ming;LI Su-ting;WANG Lin-lin;CHEN Qian(Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,People's Hospital of Wuhan University,Wuhan Hubei 430060,P.R.China)
出处 《中国计划生育和妇产科》 2019年第11期56-59,共4页 Chinese Journal of Family Planning & Gynecotokology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(项目编号:81771562) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金科研项目(项目编号:2042018kf0075 2042018kf0066)
关键词 ARFGAP 3 肛提肌 盆底功能障碍性疾病 ArfGAP 3 levator ani muscle pelvic floor dysfunction
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