

A Study on the Perception and Production of English Front Vowels by Changchun English Learners
摘要 本研究借助Praat语音分析软件对比了长春英语学习者和英语本族语者前元音的产出情况,并利用E-Prime软件对长春英语学习者前元音进行了感知实验。产出实验结果显示:长春英语学习者在产出英语前元音时无法正确区分相似音,产出标准程度明显不如英语本族语者。具体表现为长春英语学习者/i/和/i:/,/?/和/e/容易混淆,在产出前元音时舌位较美国发音人更低、更靠前。感知实验结果显示:长春英语学习者前元音感知情况存在较大差异,/i/和/i:/的感知情况较好,而/?/和/e/的感知情况不理想。相关性研究发现前元音产出与感知具有一定的相关性,感知情况较好的前元音产出效果也较为理想。影响产出与感知的因素复杂多样,如母语的负迁移和习得水平等。研究结果提示我们在英语语音教学过程中,有必要进行专门的感知和发音训练。 This study first compares English front vowels produced by Changchun English learners’ and those by native speakers by using Praat. Then Changchun English learners’ perception of English front vowels is analyzed by using E-Prime. The result of production experiment shows that: Changchun English learners have difficulties in distinguishing similar front vowels. They often mix/i/with/i:/and/?/with/e/. Besides, their productions are not as standard as native speakers. Compared with native speakers,Changchun English learners’ tongue positions are lower and more front when producing English front vowels. The result of perception experiment shows that the perception of/i/and/i:/are much better than/?/and/e/. Correlation research shows that there exists correlation between production and perception of front vowels, that is, better perception corresponds to better production. Various factors, such as the negative transfer of L1 and English proficiency, may influence the perception and production of front vowels.The results indicate it is necessary to offer perception and production training in the learning and teaching of English speech sounds.
作者 唐颖 葛蓉 TANG Ying;GE Rong(College of Foreign Languages,Jilin University,Changchun Jilin 130012,China)
出处 《吉林省教育学院学报》 2019年第11期150-155,共6页 Journal of Jilin Provincial Institute of Education
基金 中国社会科学基金重大项目“中国方言区英语学习者语音习得机制的跨学科研究”(编号:15ZDB103)的系列论文 吉林省教育厅“十三五”社会科学项目“中国东北英语学习者语音偏误类型和训练策略研究”(编号JJKH20190219SK)的系列论文
关键词 长春英语学习者 前元音 产出 感知 Changchun English learners English front vowels production perception
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