
孙定隆主任临床经验举隅 被引量:4

Clinical Experience of Director Sun Dinglong
摘要 孙定隆精研中医理论,常立足脾胃论治诸多疾病,理论独到,疗效显著。他擅长治疗肝胆、脾胃病,如治疗肝硬化常用扶脾柔肝法;治疗消渴病常从“胃强脾弱”论治;治疗肝炎常分先天、后天,顾护脾胃;而在论治脾胃本病时又常兼顾五行生克,常用舒肝和胃、扶土抑木、扶土抑木润金等法。并举验案数例。 Mr.Sun is proficient in TCM theory.He often treats many diseases on the basis of spleen and stomach,His treatment theory is unique and effective.He specializes in the treatment of liver,spleen and stomach disease.For example,in the treatment of cirrhosis,the method of strengthening the spleen and softening the liver is commonly used.Treatment of diabetes is often based on"strengthening stomach and weakening spleen".Treatment of hepatitis is often divided into congenital,acquired,care for the spleen and stomach.And he often gives consideration to mutual restriction of five phases in the treatment of spleen and stomach diseases.Commonly used treatments such as soothing liver and stomach,supporting soil and restraining wood,supporting soil and restraining wood and moistening gold,etc..This paper lists several cases of empirical medical records.
作者 王安军 WANG Anjun(Basic Medical School,Guizhou University of Chinese Medicine,Guizhou Province,Guiyang 550025,China)
出处 《中国中医药现代远程教育》 2019年第21期40-42,共3页 Chinese Medicine Modern Distance Education of China
基金 贵州省教育厅青年科技人才成长项目【No.黔教合KY字[2016]191号】 贵州省科技厅科技合作计划项目【No.黔科合LH字[2015]7272号】 贵州中医药大学博士启动项目【No.中医研[2015]003号】
关键词 中医药疗法 肝胆病 脾胃病 名医经验 孙定隆 therapy of traditional Chinese medicine hepatobiliary diseases spleen and stomach disease experience of famous doctor Sun Dinglong
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