
从加速康复外科理念看日间手术:英国2019年日间手术指南解读 被引量:51

From Enhanced Recovery after Surgery to Day-case Surgery:Interpretation on Guidelines for Day-case Surgery 2019:Guidelines from the Association of Anaesthetists and the British Association of Day Surgery
摘要 日间手术的逐步广泛开展和加速康复外科围手术期管理理念的不断推进,均是为了促进患者快速康复,使患者更为安全地度过围手术期。英国2019年日间手术指南的发布,有助于我们更好地了解日间手术围手术期管理过程中的临床实践方法和管理路径,对指导临床医生如何安全地开展日间手术具有重要指导价值。本文从加速康复外科理念的高度,就指南更新内容进行循证医学证据的深度挖掘,进一步阐明日间手术临床实践的发展方向。 The fast development of day-case surgery and the continuous advancement of enhanced recovery after surgery( ERAS) are all aimed at improving the quality of recovery after surgery so that patients can go through the perioperative period more smoothly and safely. The publication of Guidelines for Day-case Surgery2019: Guidelines from the Association of Anaesthetists and the British Association of Day Surgery,as important guidance for clinicians to safely perform day-case surgery,will help us to better understand the clinical practice and the perioperative management pathway of day-case surgery. The interpretation made a deeply evidence-based exploration in the updated contents of the guidelines,and further disclosed the development direction of day-case surgery from the perspective of ERAS.
作者 刘子嘉 黄会真 黄宇光 LIU Zi-jia;HUANG Hui-zhen;HUANG Yu-guang(Department of Anesthesiology,Peking Union Medical College Hospital,Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences&Peking Union Medical College,Beijing 100730,China)
出处 《协和医学杂志》 CSCD 2019年第6期570-574,共5页 Medical Journal of Peking Union Medical College Hospital
关键词 日间手术 加速康复外科 指南 解读 day-case surgery enhanced recovery after surgery guideline interpretation
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