
ApoE基因多态性与心房颤动的相关性研究 被引量:4

Correlation between ApoE gene polymorphism and atrial fibrillation
摘要 目的从分子生物学水平对房颤进行研究,以炎症机制为纽带推测ApoE基因多态性与房颤发生的相关性,根据ApoE基因型频率及等位基因频率的分布差异寻找房颤高危等位基因。方法选取2017年1月至2019年1月在本院心血管内科住院房颤患者(包括阵发性、持续性、长期持续性、永久性)64例及门诊健康志愿者49例,采用等位基因聚合酶链反应(PCR)的方法进行ApoE基因多态性检测。根据检测结果进行统计学分析,寻找高风险ApoE等位基因。结果此次入组人群共113例。其中房颤组64例中男38例,女26例,年龄(74.38±8.37)岁;对照组49例中男29例,女20例,年龄(65.24±12.14)岁。ApoE基因的6种表型ε2/ε2、ε2/ε3、ε2/ε4、ε3/ε3、ε3/ε4和ε4/ε4所占比例分别为0.9%、13.3%、2.7%、58.4%、19.5%和5.3%。ApoE保护类基因型、大众类基因型及风险类基因型的人群分别占14.2%、61.1%、24.8%。在性别、身高、体质量、吸烟、高血压病、2型糖尿病和冠心病方面两组ApoE基因多态性比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);在年龄、BMI、LAD、LVEF方面比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。基因型频率观察值符合Hardy-wenberg遗传平衡,具有群体代表性。结论ApoE基因多态性与房颤发生具有一定的相关性,ApoEε4是罹患房颤的高危基因型。 Objective The correlation between ApoE gene polymorphism and the occurrence of atrial fibrillation was speculated based on the inflammatory mechanism.The high-risk alleles of ApoE atrial fibrillation were searched according to the distribution differences of genotype frequency and allele frequency.Methods From January 2017 to January 2019,64 cases of patients with atrial fibrillation(including paroxysmal,persistent,longterm persistent,and permanent)in the department of cardiovascular medicine of our hospital and 49 cases of healthy outpatient volunteers were selected for the detection of ApoE gene polymorphism by allele polymerase chain reaction(PCR).Statistical analysis was performed to search for high-risk ApoE alleles.Results A total of 113 cases were enrolled in this study.Among them,there were 38 cases of male and 26 cases of female in 64 patients of the atrial fibrillation group,with an average age of(74.38±8.37)years old.There were 29 cases of male and 20 cases of female in 49 cases of the control group,with an average age of(65.24±12.14)years old.The rate of 6 kinds of phenotype of ApoE geneε2/ε2,ε2/ε3,ε2/ε4,ε3/ε3,ε3/ε4,ε4/ε4 were 0.9%,13.3%,2.7%,58.4%,19.5%,5.3%.The population with ApoE protective genotype,general genotype,and risk genotype accounted for 14.2%,61.1%,and 24.8%,respectively.There were no statistically significant differences in gender,height,weight,smoking,hypertension,type 2 diabetes,and coronary heart disease between the two groups(P>0.05),there were statistically significant differences in age,BMI,LAD,and LVEF(P<0.05).The observed genotype frequency values were consistent with the Hardy-wenberg genetic balance and were representative of the population.Conclusion There is a certain correlation between ApoE gene polymorphism and the occurrence of AF,and ApoEε4 is a high-risk genotype of AF.
作者 汪明琅 娄焕堃 王飞翔 滕士阶 董政 王罗卿 曹荣元 孙黎明 王怡练 Wang Minglang;Lou Huankun;Wang Feixiang;Teng Shijie;Dong Zheng;Wang Luoqing;Cao Rongyuan;Sun Liming;Wang Yilian(Department of Cardiovascular Medicine,The Second People's Hospital of Lianyungang,Lianyungang 222006,China)
出处 《国际医药卫生导报》 2019年第22期3680-3684,共5页 International Medicine and Health Guidance News
基金 江苏省连云港市科技局计划项目(SH1618) 江苏省高层次卫生人才“六个一工程”拔尖人才科研项目(LGY2017065) 江苏省“六大人才高峰”高层次人才选拔培养项目(WSN-247)。
关键词 心房颤动 载脂蛋白E 基因 多态性 炎症介质 血脂 相关性 动脉粥样硬化 Atrial fibrillation ApoE Gene Polymorphism Inflammatory mediators Blood lipid Correlation Arteriosclerosis
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