
地佐辛与瑞芬太尼用于无痛人工流产麻醉的效果比较 被引量:4

Effect Comparison of the Dizocine and Remifentanil on Painless Artificial Abortion
摘要 目的观察地佐辛与瑞芬太尼复合丙泊酚用于无痛人工流产麻醉的临床效果。方法选择2018年9月~2019年5月在我院行无痛人工流产患者60例,采用随机数字表法分为对照组和观察组,各30例。对照组采用瑞芬太尼联合丙泊酚麻醉,观察组采用地佐辛联合丙泊酚麻醉,比较两组临床麻醉效果、丙泊酚用量、手术时间、清醒时间、恢复定向时间、术后疼痛评分、不同时间段血压和心率变化以及临床不良反应发生情况。结果观察组麻醉总有效率优于对照组(P<0.05);观察组丙泊酚用量、手术时间、清醒时间、恢复定向时间、术后疼痛评分均低于对照组(P<0.05);两组麻醉前舒张压、收缩压、心率比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);两组手术开始5 min及术后5 min的舒张压、收缩压、心率均高于麻醉前,且观察组均低于对照组(P<0.05);观察组不良反应发生率低于对照组(P<0.05)。结论地佐辛联合丙泊酚用于无痛人工流产术麻醉效果优于瑞芬太尼联合丙泊酚,同时可维持患者生命体征稳定,减轻患者疼痛,且不良反应少,临床应用安全性良好。 Objective To observe the clinical effect of dizocine and remifentanil combined with propofol for anesthesia with painless artificial abortion.Methods 60 patients with painless induced abortion in our hospital from September 2018 to May 2019 were randomly divided into the control group and the observation group,30 cases each.The control group was anesthetized with remifentanil and propofol.The observation group was treated with dizocinecombined with propofol.The clinical anesthetic effect,propofol dosage,operation time,awake time,recovery orientation time,postoperative pain were compared between the two groups.Score,changes in blood pressure and heart rate at different time periods,and clinical adverse events.Results The total effective rate of anesthesia in the observation group was better than that in the control group(P<0.05).The amount of propofol,operation time,awake time,recovery orientation time and postoperative pain score were lower in the observation group than in the control group(P<0.05);There were no significant differences in the diastolic blood pressure,systolic blood pressure and heart rate between the two groups before the anesthesia(P>0.05).The diastolic blood pressure,the systolic blood pressure and heart rate of the operation began 5 min and 5 min after the operation were higher than those before anesthesia,and the observation group was lower than the control group(P<0.05).The incidence of adverse reactions in the observation group was lower than that of the control group(P<0.05).Conclusion Dizocine combined with propofol is better than remifentanil combined with propofol in painless artificial abortion.It can maintain the patient’s vital signs,reduce pain,and has fewer adverse reactions.It has good clinical application safety.
作者 刘思远 LIU Si-yuan(Department of Anesthesiology,Nantong University Affiliated Hospital,Nantong 226001,Jiangsu,China)
出处 《医学信息》 2019年第22期123-124,共2页 Journal of Medical Information
关键词 地佐辛 瑞芬太尼 丙泊酚 无痛人工流产 Dizocine Remifentanil Propofol Painless artificial abortion
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