
基于氨基酸含量的苹果浊汁品种与产地差异性分析 被引量:5

Differentiation of Varieties and Origins of Cloudy Apple Juice Based on Amino Acid Contents
摘要 以来自7个主产区的18个主栽品种,共41份苹果鲜果为研究对象,对每个品种鲜榨浊汁的氨基酸组分及含量进行测定。运用描述性分析、逐步线性判别分析处理数据。结果表明:不同品种以及不同产地的苹果浊汁的氨基酸含量差异较大。总的来看,丙氨酸、亮氨酸、丝氨酸、缬氨酸、异亮氨酸的变异系数相对较大,分别为191.38%,96.91%,67.82%,53.60%,57.97%。天门冬氨酸、苏氨酸、谷氨酸、甘氨酸、赖氨酸以及氨基酸总量的变异系数相对较小,分别为43.92%,45.70%,28.37%,35.16%,47.47%,39.40%。华金的天门冬氨酸、丝氨酸、丙氨酸、氨基酸总和含量均最高,分别为235.6,12.6,10.5,289.4 mg/100 g。这一品种分布在图中的边缘,与其它各品种之间均有较大差异。然而,对于不同产地间的样品,其氨基酸组成及含量受到产地因素的影响较大,样品在图中分布较为分散。新疆省苹果浊汁的苏氨酸、丝氨酸、谷氨酸、缬氨酸含量均较低,分别为1,2.4,7.1,1 mg/100 g。来自山东省不同品种苹果浊汁的样品以及来自不同产地富士苹果浊汁的样品间均有较大差异性,分别获得了77.8%和81.8%的判别准确率。以上结果表明,基于不同品种及产地的原料所得苹果浊汁,对其氨基酸组分含量进行系统分析,可构建判别模型,实现品种及产地间的差异性分析。 Apple fruits of 18 cultivars from 7 different main growing areas in China were collected for cloudy juice processing and the amino acid components and contents of fresh cloudy apple juices were measured.By descriptive and stepwise linear discriminant analysis(SLDA),the results showed that the amino acid contents of cloudy apple juices differed from varieties and origins.In general,the variation coefficients of alanine,leucine,serine,valine and isoleucine were relatively high,which were 191.38%,96.91%,67.82%,53.60%and 57.97%respectively.The variation coefficient of aspartic acid,threonine,glutamic acid,glycine,lysine,and total amino acid were relatively low,which were 43.92%,45.70%,28.37%,35.16%,47.47%and 39.40%respectively.Moreover,cloudy apple juice form Huajin contained the highest amount of aspartic acid,serine,alanine and total amino acids,which were 235.6 mg/100 g,12.6 mg/100 g,10.5 mg/100 g and 289.4 mg/100 g,respectively.Thus,with its highest contents in the above four amino acids,cloudy apple juice of Huajin located at the edge of the figure,showing the great difference with other varieties.Besides,the amino acid components and contents of apple juices were greatly affected by origins,and the samples from different areas were dispersed in the figure.Compared to other origins,cloudy apple juices from Xinjiang showed significant lower contents in threonine,serine,glutamic acid and valine,which were 1 mg/100 g,2.4 mg/100 g,7.1 mg/100 g,1 mg/100 g respectively.Cloudy apple juices with different varieties from Shandong Province and cloudy apple juice of Fuji from different origins showed significantly different in amino acid constitution,which obtained 77.8%and 81.8%discriminant accuracy respectively based on SLDA.The above results show that cloudy apple juices could be differentiated for varieties and origins based on amino acid contents by SLDA.
作者 郭爽 李斌 刘璇 毕金峰 张彪 郭崇婷 曹风 Guo Shuang;Li Bin;Liu Xuan;Bi Jinfeng;Zhang Biao;Guo Chongting;Cao Feng(College of Food Science,Shenyang Agricultural University,Shenyang 110866;Institute of Food Science and Technology,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Key Laboratory of Agro-products Processing,Ministry of Agriculture,Beijing 100193)
出处 《中国食品学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第11期230-238,共9页 Journal of Chinese Institute Of Food Science and Technology
基金 “十三五”国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFD0400201-4)
关键词 苹果浊汁 氨基酸 品种 产地 差异性 cloudy apple juices amino acid varieties origins difference
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