
南丰蜜桔铁、锰、铜元素周年变化规律研究 被引量:1

Study on the Annual Change Law of Iron, Manganese and Copper Elements in ’Nanfeng’ Tangerine
摘要 为研究南丰蜜桔叶片铁(Fe)、锰(Mn)、铜(Cu)元素周年需求状况及营养需求特点,以8 a生南丰蜜桔为试材,测定连续2 a叶片Fe、Mn和Cu含量。结果表明,南丰蜜桔叶片中Fe、Mn含量变化趋势相似,11月至次年7月生长周期中第二年元素含量显著高于第一年,7月后则与之相反,为第一年含量显著高于第二年;Cu含量变化趋势略有不同,为先上升后降低,全年均表现为第二年显著高于第一年;老叶中各元素含量均高于新叶,且第一年老叶与新叶3种元素间表现为正相关,而第二年Fe、Mn元素老叶与新叶间表现为负相关。南丰蜜桔果实膨大期和采果期是树体Fe、Mn和Cu含量的重要需求期,应及时补充Fe、Mn和Cu肥。各微量元素间存在一定的促进或抑制作用,因此,要控制各种微量元素的施用比例,以达到更好的施肥效果。 An attempt was made to understand the annual demand of leaf Fe, Mn and Cu elements and plant nutrient demand of Tangerine ’Nanfeng’ to give fruit growers advice on fertilizer recommendation. Two years old leaves of 8 years old Tangerine ’Nanfeng’ at an experiment site in Nanfeng, Jiangxi province were collected, and their trace elements were determined by using the inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry(ICP-MS). The results show that the Fe and Mn contents in leaves were similar in change and tended to increase. In a period of two years the Fe and Mn contents in the leaves was higher in the second year than in the first year from November to July, while higher in the first year than in the second year after July. The Cu content in the leaves was slightly different, and it increased first and then declined. The leaf Cu content increased in the first year and declined in the second year. The content of each element was higher in the old leaves than in the new leaves. In the first year, the contents of the three elements in the old leaves were positively correlated with those in the new leaves, while in the second year, the contents of the Fe and Mn in the old leaves was negatively correlated with those in the new leaves. The change of the contents of trace elements in Tangerine ’Nanfeng’ suggested that supply of nutrients in the fruit expansion period and fruit harvest period was insufficient, and that the fruit trees should be dressed with fertilizer reasonably.There is a certain synergic promotion or inhibition between trace elements. Therefore, the trace element fertilizers should be applied in a reasonable ratio in order to achieve a better application effect of fertilizer.
作者 李碧娴 张丽平 管冠 刘桂东 姚锋先 周高峰 LI Bixian;ZHANG Liping;GUAN Guan;LIU Guidong;YAO Fengxian;ZHOU Gaofeng(College of Life Sciences,Gannan Normal University/National Navel Orange Engineering Research Center,Ganzhou,Jiangxi 341000)
出处 《热带农业科学》 2019年第10期75-80,共6页 Chinese Journal of Tropical Agriculture
基金 江西省重点研发计划项目(No.20161BBF60069) 国家自然科学基金项目(No.31960573,No.31701871)
关键词 南丰蜜桔 微量元素 周年变化 Tangerine ’Nanfeng’ microelement annual variation
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