

A Contrastive Study between the Chinese EFL and English-speaking Learners to Use Modal Sequences in English Composition
摘要 本研究采用语料库语言学方法,基于ETS(ETS Corpus of Non-Native Written English)及LOCNESS(Louvain Corpus of Native English Essays)语料库,比较中国学习者与本族语者在情态动词、情态序列及情态意义的使用特征。研究表明,中国学习者更倾向于使用形式较为简单的情态动词can、will、may,而本族语者则更好地掌握了could、would用法;有灵主语的序列A、C在中国英语学习作文中频率较高,而以无灵的词作为主语的序列B、D则本族语者作文中频繁出现;中国英语学习者过多使用以人称代词为主语的义务情态序列,静态动词使用单一且形式简单,而认识情态意义在本族语者作文中频率较高,静态动词种类使用丰富,完成时及被动语态出现的频率远高于中国英语学习者。 Based on the corpus of ETS(Corpus of Non-Native Written English)and LOCNESS(Louvain Corpus of Native English Essays),this paper uses corpus linguistics to compare the using characteristics of modal verbs,modal sequences and modal meanings between Chinese learners and English-speaking learners.The results indicate:1)Chinese learners have higher tendency to use simple modal verbs such as can,will and may,but the English-speaking learners have a better grasp of could and would;2)The sequence A and C that use the animate as the subject are more frequently occurred in Chinese learners'compositions,while the sequence B and D that employ the inanimate word as the subject are more frequently used in English-speakers'compositions.3)Chinese learners rely too much on deontic modality which is conveyed by modal sequences with personal pronouns as the main subject,while static verbs used in the writings are simple as well as its forms,in addition,epistemic modality are frequently used in English-speakers'compositions with various static verbs.The frequency of perfect tense and passive voice is much higher than that in Chinese learners'compositions.
作者 曾雅雯 ZENG Ya-wen(School of Foreign Languages,Zhejiang Gongshang University,Hangzhou,Zhejiang 310018)
出处 《岳阳职业技术学院学报》 2019年第5期87-92,共6页 Journal of Yueyang Vocational and Technical College
关键词 情态序列 义务情态 认识情态 语料库语言学 modal sequences deontic modality epistemic modality corpus linguistics
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