
1975~2015年董志塬土地利用/覆被变化及人类活动影响 被引量:6

Analysis of the spatial-temporal characteristics of LUCC from 1975 to 2015 in the Dongzhi loess tableland
摘要 结合遥感、地理信息系统和数学方法,通过解译不同时间段(1975年、1995年和2015年)的土地利用数据,从土地利用变化速度、转移方向和土地利用程度3个方面分析了近40年来董志塬土地利用变化特征,揭示了1975年以来董志塬人类活动影响下土地利用时空变化规律。研究结果表明:1)1975~2015年期间,董志塬建设用地、林地、水域及水利设施用地的面积呈现总体上升的趋势;建设用地面积增加幅度最大,增加236.25 km2;其次是林地面积,增加158.68 km2;水域及水利设施用地面积增加幅度最小,增加2.06 km2。近40年来,耕地、草地和未利用地面积呈总体减少趋势。耕地面积与草地面积变化趋势相反,耕地面积呈现出"先增后减"的变化特点,共减少218.01 km2;草地面积则呈现"先减后增"的特点,共减少166.93 km2;未利用地面积呈现总体减少的趋势,共减少12.02 km2。2)近40年来,土地利用变迁主要集中在耕地、草地、建设用地和林地之间,草地和耕地之间变换频繁,是董志塬主要的土地利用变化类型。3)董志塬综合土地利用动态度从前20年(1975~1995年)的0.03增加到后20年(1995~2015年)的0.11,说明土地转化强度显著增强;但对于土地利用程度,董志塬前20年为正(0.051),后20年为负(-0.012),表明1995~2015年期间人类活动对土地资源起到正面保护的作用。 The Dongzhi loess tableland(34°50'~37°19'N,106°14'~108°42'E)is the largest tableland on the Chinese Loess Plateau.However,the plateau surface of the Dongzhi tableland has suffered serious soil and water loss due to human activities.Land use change is an important indicator that reflects the impacts of human activities at regional scale.Therefore,the land use change of the Dongzhi tableland during the past 40 years(1975~2015)was characterized and the aim of this study was to quantify the dynamics of land use change and elucidate the impacts of human activities.In this study,the technologies of Remote Sensing(RS)and Geographical Information System(GIS)were applied and three imageries of remote sensing(1975,1995 and 2015)were interpreted.Three indicators,including amplitude,direction and intensity of land use change,were used to characterize the dynamics of land use change and its driving forces.Results showed that:(1)Farmland and grassland were the main land use types on the Dongzhi tableland,which occupied more than 70%of the total land area.During the past 40 years,the area of construction land,forestland,water bodies and land for water conservation facilities exhibited an increasing trend,which increased by 236.25 km2,158.68 km2 and 2.06 km2,respectively.The grassland showed a changing pattern of first decrease in 1975~1995 and then increase in 1995~2015,which ultimately decreased by 166.93 km2;whereas the farmland showed a changing pattern of first increase in 1975~1995 and then decrease in 1995~2015,which ultimately decreased by 218.01 km2.During the study period,the abandoned land showed a slight decrease of 12.02 km2.(2)The directions of land use change showed similar characteristics during the two periods of 1975~1995 and 1995~2015.The mutual conversions between farmland,grassland,construction land and forestland were the main features of land use change during the two periods of 1975~1995 and 1995~2015.However,the frequent exchange between grassland and construction land was the dominant form of land use change in the area.During 1975~1995,large area of grassland converted to farmland and construction land;while during 1995~2015,large area of farmland converted to grassland and forestland.Moreover,an area of farmland converted to urban during the time of 1995~2015.(3)The integration indicators of land use change increased from 0.03 during 1975~1995 to 0.11 during 1995~2015,which indicated that the intensity of land conversion significantly increased.During 1975~1995,the integration indicators of land use change showed positive values(0.051);while it showed negative value(-0.012)during 1995~2015,which indicate that human activities are changing to a conservation role in the land use change on the Dongzhi tableland.
作者 杨思齐 金钊 余云龙 Henry Lin Yang Siqi;Jin Zhao;Yu Yunlong;Henry Lin(State Key Laboratory of Loess and Quaternary Geology,Institute of Earth Environment,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Xi'an 710061,Shaanxi;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049;CAS Center for Excellence in Quaternary Science and Global Change,Xi'an 710061,Shaanxi;Department of Ecosystem Science and Management,the Pennsylvania State University,University Park,PA 16802,USA)
出处 《第四纪研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第6期1433-1442,共10页 Quaternary Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金重大项目课题《黄土侵蚀灾变机理与固沟保塬工程互馈效应》(批准号:41790444)资助。
关键词 董志塬 土地利用变化 人类活动 遥感影像 地理信息技术 Dongzhi loess tableland land use change human activities remote sensing image GIS
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