
学修并进 经史兼综——探寻张新民先生佛学研究之学术旨趣与思想特质

Survey on the Study and Cultivation, and Combining history and Scripture: To discovery Prof.Zhang Xinmin’s Buddhist Studies and its Characteristics of Thought
摘要 张新民先生的佛学研究涉及佛教之历史、文化和思想研究诸多领域,其研究方法是将佛学研究与生命体悟相结合,研究特质为学修并进与知行不二、儒释之间与“游苑禅林”、经史兼综与中西会通,研究旨趣乃是在“儒释道”三教视野观照下之综合诠释与立体融合。其佛学研究时段可划分为三个阶段或为三个十年,第一阶段是张先生佛学研究登堂入室和重要积累阶段,第二阶段是其生命转换和身心体悟的关键时期,第三阶段是张先生学术生命之上升期和功德圆满期。主编《黔灵丛书》大型文献在学术界产生了巨大广泛之影响,为国内佛教地方文献整理与研究树立了标杆并成为同行开展类似工作效仿之典范;探研《坛经》文本“獦獠”释义殆指“猎头獠人”,而解决“獦獠作佛”千年禅史公案疑难问题;创建“本体实践论”“同体殊相共用论”,不仅可以解释中国思想文化史上理论与实践之同一性和统一性问题,而且能够打通中西过度强调差异和不同的壁垒对抗而起到实现中西文化思想之平等交流与对话之理论影响。 Prof.Zhang Xinmin's Buddhist studies are influenced by the age of Chinese cultural new field,the direct reason of which is the pursuit of life and death.In the vast and profound sea of Chinese cultural wisdom,especially In Buddhism,he has found the key to solve the confusion of life,and then entered a new world of Buddhist history,culture and thought research,furthermore,into the meaning of Chinese culture in the world.In his study,the research method is the combination of Buddhist research and life's insight.It is worth noticing that there are three characteristics in this research:thinking highly of study and cultivation;emphasizing the combination of theory and practice;studying Confucianism and Buddhism,and free to do Chan's study;integrating the history and scripture;analyzing further between the Chinese and Western culture.Its Buddhist research period can be divided into three stages or three ten years,which is not only the entry and important accumulation stage of Prof.Zhang's Buddhist studies,but also the key period of his life transformation and physical and mental understanding.Most importantly,it is also the rising period of Prof.Zhang's academic life and the successful period of merit.The large-scale literature of"Qian Ling Series"has had a great and wide influence in the academic circles,setting a remarkable mark for the local literature-making and research of Buddhism in China and becoming a model for peers to carry out similar work to imitate.In Tan jing(Tan scripture),Geliao means decapitation as sacrifice activity in ethnic groups.He also created Ontology's theory of practice and"the theory of homogeneity",which can not only explain the unity and unity of theory and practice in the history of Chinese thought and culture,but also make it possible to make the difference between China and the West culture overemphasizing the confrontation of differences and different barriers and play a theoretical and magnificent influence on the realization of equal exchange and dialogue between Chinese and Western cultural thoughts.
作者 黄诚 Huang Cheng
出处 《贵州文史丛刊》 2019年第4期35-44,共10页 GUIZHOU CULTURAL AND HISTORICAL JOURNAL
关键词 张新民学术思想 佛学研究成就 “本体实践论” “同体殊相共用论” Prof.Zhang's Buddhist Studies Research Achievement of Buddhism Ontology's Theory the Theory of Homogeneity
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