
拉枝角度和枝条高度对早实核桃果实病害及日灼的影响初探 被引量:1

Preliminary Study on the Effects of Branch Angle and Branch Height on Disease and Sunburn of Precocious Walnut Fruit
摘要 以盛果期‘绿岭’核桃树为试材,对不同拉枝角度和不同着生高度枝条上果实发生病害及日灼的情况进行了研究,以期探索防治早实核桃果实病害及日灼的农艺措施。结果表明:随着拉枝角度增大,果实总数、好果数及好果率呈降低的趋势,病果率增大,日灼果率无显著差异,坚果品质呈降低的趋势,其中30°的好果率、单果质量、坚果直径和脂肪含量分别为30.71%、15.84 g、38.18 mm和67.68%;相比1.2 m以下着生的枝条,1.2 m以上着生枝条的果实总数和好果数均极显著增大,病果率极显著降低,日灼果率显著增大,坚果品质无显著差异;将拉枝角度和枝条着生位置高度综合考虑,着生位置在1.2 m以上的枝条,拉枝30°在结果总数、好果率、病果率、坚果单果质量、脂肪含量方面具有绝对优势,分别为13.50个、42.00%、46.50%、16.48 g、68.00%,其次为拉枝60°,但二者日灼果率较高,分别为11.50%和12.59%;着生位置在1.2 m以下的枝条中,以拉枝30°的坚果品质较高,其它指标无显著差异。综合分析认为,为了保证优质高产,1.2 m以上枝条的拉枝角度以30°~60°为宜,1.2 m以下以30°最佳。 In order to explore the agronomic measures to prevent and control the disease and sunburn occurrence of precocious walnut fruits,full fruit period walnut trees of ‘Lyuling’ were used as materials to study the disease and sunburn of fruits grown on branches at different angles and heights.The results showed that the total fruit number,good fruit number and good fruit rate decreased with the branch angle increased,and the diseased fruit rate increased,nevertheless,the sunburned fruit rate had no the significant difference,and the nut quality decreased.The good fruit rate,nut weight,nut diameter and kernel fat content of branch angle 30° were 30.71%,15.84 g,38.18 mm and 67.68%,respectively.Compared with the branch height below 1.2 m,the total fruit number and the good fruit number increased significantly than branch height above 1.2 m,the diseased fruit rate decreased significantly than branch height above 1.2 m,and the sunburned fruit rate increased significantly than branch height above 1.2 m,and the nut quality had no significant difference.Considering the branch bending angle and the branch growing height,among the branch height above 1.2 m,the branch bending angle 30° had absolute advantages in total fruit number,good fruit rate,diseased fruit rate,nut weight and kernel fat content,which were 13.50,42.00%,46.50%,16.48 g and 68.00% respectively,followed by the branch bending angle 60°,but the sunburned fruit rate of the two treatments were higher,which were 11.50% and 12.59%,respectively;among the branches below 1.2 m,the nut quality of the branch bending angle 30° was higher,and there had no significant difference in other indexes.Comprehensive analysis showed that in order to ensure high quality and high yield,the best angle for branches above 1.2 m was 30°-60° and the best angle for branches below 1.2 m was 30°.
作者 马华冰 陈利英 齐国辉 强静莎 MA Huabing;CHEN Liying;QI Guohui;QIANG Jingsha(Hebei Lyuling Fruit Co.Ltd.,Xingtai,Hebei 054300;Institute of Walnut Industry Technology of Hebei Province(Xingtai),Xingtai,Hebei 054300;Research Center for Walnut Engineering and Technology of Hebei,Xingtai,Hebei 054300;College of Forestry,Agricultural University of Hebei,Baoding,Hebei 071000)
出处 《北方园艺》 CAS 北大核心 2019年第21期20-24,共5页 Northern Horticulture
基金 河北省科技计划资助项目(18963002D) 河北省科技计划资助项目(16236810D) 2017年河北省中央财政林业科技推广示范资金资助项目
关键词 拉枝角度 枝条高度 果实病害 日灼 坚果品质 branch angle branch height fruit diseases sunburn nut quality
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