

Study on the MedicationLaw of Chen Cunren in the Treatment of Lung-system Diseases Based on Frequency and Cluster Analysis
摘要 目的运用数据挖掘方法对陈存仁治疗肺系疾病的组方用药规律进行探索,探讨陈存仁治疗肺系疾病的用药特点。方法选取陈存仁先生著作记载可查的肺系疾病病案,按照数据录入标准录入数据,建立数据库,进行数据规范化清理后,用Microsoft Excel 97-2003表格进行中药频数分析,用SPSS 21.0进行中药聚类分析。结果按照数据录入标准,录入病案94例,涉及疾病9种,中药175味,所有药物出现频次为902次,中药聚类分析得到新方组合4个,高相关度药物组合15个,药物组合功效大致可分为清肺泻热、养阴润肺、化痰止咳、散寒补肾、降逆平喘、发散风热、凉血止血等。结论陈存仁治疗肺病,从痰论治为主,化痰止咳,针对病因,或祛风散寒,发散风热,或健脾利湿,温补脾肾,或养阴生津或清热利湿。 Objective To explore the medication law of Chen Cunren in the treatment of lung-system diseases based on frequency and cluster analysis and to explore the characteristics of Chen Cunren in the treatment of lung diseases.Methods The medical records of lung diseases recorded by Mr.Chen Cunren were selected,the data were inputted according to the data input standard,the database was established,and the frequency of traditional Chinese medicine was analyzed with Microsoft Excel97-2003 table after standardized cleaning of the data.SPSS 21.0 was used for cluster analysis of traditional Chinese medicine.Results According to the data entry standard,94 cases were recorded,involving 9 kinds of diseases,170 kinds of traditional Chinese medicine and clustering of traditional Chinese medicine.The results showed that there were four new prescription combinations and 15 high correlation drug combinations.The effects of drug combination could be divided into clearing lung and purging heat,nourishing yin and moistening lung,dissipating phlegm and relieving cough,dispersing cold and tonifying kidney,reducing inverse and relieving asthma,diffusing wind and heat,cooling blood and hemostasis,etc.Conclusion Chen Cunren thinks that lung and kidney yang deficiency,powerlessness evaporation,cold phlegm connotation,or deficiency of lung yin,deficiency of fire,burning Tianjin for phlegm,or external cold and heat,evil entering lung collaterals,unfavorable qi,or spleen deficiency,making dampness,producing phlegm,phlegm blocking qi.Therefore,Chen Cunren in the treatment of lung disease mainly from phlegm theory and treatment,dissipating phlegm and relieving cough,according to the cause of disease,or dispelling wind and dispersing cold,spreading wind and heat,or invigorating spleen and dampness,warming and tonifying spleen and kidney,or nourishing yin and promoting or clearing away heat and dampness.
作者 王志敏 朱生樑 WANG Zhimin;ZHU Shengliang(Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine,North Station Hospital of Jing’an District,Shanghai200040,China;Department of Gastroenterology,Yueyang Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine)
出处 《光明中医》 2019年第20期3092-3095,共4页 GUANGMING JOURNAL OF CHINESE MEDICINE
关键词 陈存仁 频数分析 聚类分析 肺系疾病 用药规律 Chen Cunren frequency analysis cluster analysis lung diseases medication law
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