
《伤寒论》厥之论述 被引量:6

Discussion About Syncope in Treatise on Cold Damage Diseases
摘要 热厥可见轻证及重证,热厥轻证以清热、泻热之法下之,方用大柴胡汤加减治疗,后期可用竹叶石膏汤;热厥重证用辛寒之品清里泄热,方用白虎汤加减。阳虚阴盛厥用四逆汤加减以回阳救逆,少阴阴盛格阳时以通脉四逆汤加减以增强破阴回阳之功。冷结关元厥用当归四逆加吴茱萸生姜汤温阳散寒。阳虚寒湿厥用附子汤温经散寒,除湿扶阳。痰厥病位在上,方用瓜蒂散涌吐实邪。水厥方用茯苓甘草汤温阳化水。脏厥应急温之,方用四逆汤,可加用灸法使回阳救逆之效增强。蛔厥者,乌梅丸主之。气郁厥用四逆散疏畅肝气,透达郁结之阳。寒浊犯胃厥以吴茱萸汤加减温肝降胃,泄浊止呕。血虚厥治宜养血充脉,临床可用四物汤或当归补血汤加减。血虚寒凝厥以当归四逆汤养血温经脉。寒热厥宜清上热而温下寒、散发郁遏之阳气,方以麻黄升麻汤。胆厥以大柴胡汤和解通下。 Mild and severe syndromes can be seen in heat syncope.For mild heat syncope.method of clearing away heat and purging heat can be used,and Modified Major Bupleurum Decoction can be chosen.And Lophatherum and Gypsum Decoction can be adopted its late stage.For severe heat syncope,pungent-cold medicinals can be used to clear and purge interior heat,and Modified White Tiger Decoction can be adopted.For syncope due to deficiency of yang with exuberance of yin,Modified Frigid Extremities Decoction can be used to restore yang to rescue from counter-flow.For exuberant yin repelling yang in Shaoyin meridian,Modified Channel-Unblocking for Frigid Extremities Decoction can be used to strengthen the function of breaking yin and restoring yang.For syncope due to accumulated in Guanyuan(BL 26),Channel-Unblocking for Frigid Extremities Decoction combined with Evodia and Fresh Ginger Decoction can be used to warm yang to dissipate cold.For syncope due to deficiency of yang with cold and dampness,Aconite Decoction can be used to warm the meridians and disperse cold,dehumidify and strengthen yang.The position of phlegm syncope lies in upper body and Melon Stalk Powder can be used to vomit excess pathogen.For water syncope,Poria and Licorice Decoction can be used to warm yang and transform water.For zang syncope.urgent warming is necessary,Frigid Extremities Decoction can be used.Moxibustion can be added to increase the effect of recuperating yang and rescuing adversity.For syncope due to roundworms,Mume Pill can be used.For syncope due to qi stagnation,Frigid Extremities Powder can be used to dredge the liver qi and penetrate stagnated yang.For syncope due to cold turbidity attacking the stomach,Modified Evodia Decoction can be used to warm the liver and lower the stomach,relieve turbidity and stop vomiting.For syncope due to blood deficiency,Four Substances Decoction or Modified Chinese Angelica Blood-Supplementing Decoction can be used.For syncope due to blood deficiency and cold congealing,Chinese Angelica Frigid Extremities Decoction can be used to warm blood and dredge meridians.For syncope due to mixed cold and heat,Ephedra and Cimicifuga Decoction can be used to clear away heat in upper body and warm cold in lower body,disperse stagnated yang qi.For gallbladder syncope,Major Bupleurum Decoction can be used to harmonize and dredge downward.
作者 李佳 宋朝 郝旭亮 LI Jia;SONG Chao;HAO Xu-liang(Shanxi Academy of TCM,Taiyuan,Shanxi,China,030012;Shanxi University of TCM,Taiyuan,Shanxi,China,030619;Shanxi Hospital of TCM,Taiyuan,Shanxi,China,030000)
出处 《河南中医》 2019年第11期1621-1624,共4页 Henan Traditional Chinese Medicine
关键词 厥证 寒厥 热厥 阳虚阴盛厥 阳虚寒湿厥 冷结关元厥 痰厥 水厥 脏厥 蛔厥 气郁厥 寒浊犯胃厥 血厥 血虚厥 血虚寒凝厥 寒热厥 胆厥 《伤寒论》 张仲景 syncope cold syncope heat syncope syncope due to deficiency of yang with exuberance of yin syncope due to deficiency of yang with cold and dampness syncope due to accumulated in Guanyuan(BL 26) phlegm syncope water syncope zang syncope syncope due to roundworms syncope due to qi stagnation syncope due to cold turbidity attacking the stomach blood syncope syncope due to blood deficiency syncope due to blood deficiency and cold congealing syncope due to mixed cold and heat gallbladder syncope Treatise on Cold Damage Diseases Zhang Zhong-jing
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