By following the Foldy-Wouthuysen(FW)transformation of the Dirac equation,we derive the exact analytic expression up to the 1/M4 order for general cases in the covariant density functional theory.The results are compared with the corresponding ones derived from another novel non-relativistic expansion method,the similarity renormalization group(SRG).Based on this comparison,the origin of the difference between the results obtained with the FW transformation and the SRG method is explored.
By following the Foldy-Wouthuysen(FW) transformation of the Dirac equation,we derive the exact analytic expression up to the 1/M^4 order for general cases in the covariant density functional theory.The results are compared with the corresponding ones derived from another novel non-relativistic expansion method,the similarity renormalization group(SRG).Based on this comparison,the origin of the difference between the results obtained with the FW transformation and the SRG method is explored.
Yixin Guo
Haozhao Liang
郭一昕;梁豪兆(Department of Physics,Graduate School of Science,The University of Tokyo,Tokyo 113-0033,Japan;RIKEN Nishina Center,Wako 351-0198,Japan;Department of Modern Physics,University of Science and Technology of China,Hefei 230026,China)
Partially supported by the JSPS Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists(18K13549)
the JSPS-NSFC Bilateral Program for Joint Research Project on Nuclear mass and life for unravelling mysteries of the r-process
RIKEN Pioneering Project:Evolution of Matter in the Universe