Null Stern酒店坐落于瑞士阿尔卑斯山脉的格劳邦登山山顶,每晚标价237英镑(约合人民币2000元),只有一张双人床、一个床头柜和台灯,完全是户外露天的。它看起来更像一个电影布景而非酒店。尽管没有天花板、墙壁、卫生间或是任何其他设施,但数以百计的人在排队等待入住瑞士的这家露天酒店。客人可在海拔3900英尺(约1200米)高的山巅充分享受大自然的风光。此外,还有一名专为客人服务的管家这名管家会迎接他们,还会在早上送上意大利香肠三明治和咖啡。
Perched atop the Gobsi niountain in the Swiss Alps,The Null Stern hotel costs£237 per night and is solely(仅)a double bed,with a nightstand and lamps,entirely open to the elements.It looks more like a film set than a hotel.But this open-air Swiss attraction has hundreds of people queuing up(排队)to stay,despite having no ceilings,walls,toilets or indeed any facilities at all.Guests are able to be immersed in(沉浸在)nature at 3,900 feet above sea level at the top of the mountain.What is more,they will have a butler(管家)on hand to welcome them and serve them salami(香肠)sandwiches and coffee in the morning.