The use of listed companies to carry out information-based manipulation of stocks is a new type of manipulation mode in China’s securities market in recent years. The listed company’s public opinion has unique characteristics different from social network public opinion in terms of communication media and participants.Therefore, studying the public opinion dissemination and evolution mechanism of listed companies can provide theoretical and technical support for securities regulatory authorities to effectively combat stock information manipulation and guide investors to identify false information. Based on the description and analysis of information stakeholders, online media and investors in the process of public opinion dissemination of listed companies, this paper constructs a three-party dynamic game model. The model was simulated by parameter setting and experimental scheme design. The experimental simulation results show that information stakeholders should convey the truth of the company, online media should not cooperate with information stakeholders to convey false company grievances, investors do not accept the company’s false grievances. Finally, the countermeasures for the securities regulatory authorities to control the public company’s public opinion are put forward.
ZHANG Jian-feng;JI Yu
Productivity Research