

On the Friendship Between Chui Wan Chan Master and Tian Huaguo and Tian’s Father in Zhongzhou
摘要 吹万禅师俗姓李,法名广真,字吹万,明末著名禅师。身后不到半个世纪,僧性磊于康熙二十四年(1685)为其作传,题为《忠州聚云吹万大师传》,补入《南宋元明禅林僧宝传》中。该传共收95位禅师传记,94位都以“某某禅师”为题,唯吹万冠以大师之号,可见其崇高地位及后世影响。吹万禅师早年云游四方,万历四十七年(1619)来到忠州,为致仕京官田一甲挽留传法,驻锡20年,创立了著名的聚云法系。田一甲是聚云寺的创建者,其子田华国则是聚云寺的命名、题额者,也是吹万大师塔铭的作者,还是禅师生平业绩的首位述评者。父子二人都是禅师的在家弟子,与禅师有深厚的交谊和因缘。 Chuiwan Chan Master,secular surname Li,was a famous Chan Master in the late Ming dynasty.Less than 50 years after his death,the monk Ren Lei wrote his biography,Biography of Master Zhongzhou Juyun Chui Wanzhen,in the 24th year of Kangxi(1685),which was then added to Biography of Buddhist Monks in the Southern Song,Yuan and Ming Dynasties.There are 95 biographies of Chan Buddhist monks in Southern Song,Yuan and Ming Dynasties.Except Chan master Chuiwan,the other 94 are all titled“XX Buddist Monks”,which proves his noble status and great influence.During his early years’traveling,he came to Zhongzhou in 1619(47 years in Wanli emperor)and was persuaded to stay for carrying forward Buddhism.Tian Yijia then built the Juyun Buddhist temple.From then on,Master Chuwan spread his teachings here for 20 years and established a famous Juyun Buddhist system.Although Tian Yijia was the founder of Juyun Temple,it was his son Tian Huaguo named and titled Juyun Temple.He is also the author of the pagoda inscription of Master Chuiwan as well as the first commentator on the life performance of Chuiwan Chan master.Tian Huaguo and his father were both non-monastic disciples of Chuiwan Chan master.Thus they had really great friendship and karmic with Chuiwan Chan master.
作者 刘范弟 LIU Fandi(School of Lieterature and Law,Changsha University of Scienence and Technology,Changsha,Hunan 410015,China)
出处 《重庆三峡学院学报》 2019年第6期1-12,共12页 Journal of Chongqing Three Gorges University
关键词 吹万禅师 忠州 田一甲 田华国 Chuiwan Chan master Zhongzhou Tian Yijia Tian Huaguo Karma
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