Hando Kazutoshi,a famous Japanese author,is good at oral history concerning the period of Showa,which mainly focuses on the tragedy of war and the reasons for the failure of war. His works are very popular because of the vivid language and the strong expression,and they also dig deep into the historical details and reflect the emotional demands of some people to a certain extent. However,his narrative which is constrained strongly by the Japanese social atmosphere shows the lack of world perspective and theoretical depth,and the superficiality about the historical events,which is unable to reach the realm and the height of progressive historians. His historical understanding takes a middle course. More specifically,he criticizes the right-wing’s views and opposes the war and the amendment of the Peaceful Constitution,which plays a positive role in the Japanese society. On the other hand,his half-hearted historical reflection which shows a certain degree of narrow nationalism exerts a negative impact on the atmosphere of the public opinion in Japan.
World History