
社会资本、金融借贷与农户多维贫困——基于秦巴山区3省的微观调查数据 被引量:15

Social capital,financial lending and multi-dimensional poverty of farmers:Based on micro survey data of three provinces in Qinba Mountain area
摘要 本文以秦巴山区3省的微观调查数据为例,采用A-F法对农户多维贫困进行测度,基于二元Logistic模型的中介效应检验方法揭示了社会资本、金融借贷与农户多维贫困之间的关系。结果表明:①农户在厕所类型、做饭燃料、疾病和受教育程度指标方面贫困发生率较高;当K=3时,农户多维贫困发生率为0. 856 3,此时多维贫困强度指数和多维贫困指数分别为0. 394 5和0. 337 8。②礼金支出、可求助人数和事业单位亲友数均对农户多维贫困有显著负向影响,表明社会资本的提升可以有效减缓农户多维贫困的发生;正规金融借贷和非正规金融借贷对农户多维贫困有负向影响,表明金融借贷的提升可以降低农户多维贫困的发生;社会资本对正规金融借贷有显著正向影响,对非正规金融借贷有正向影响,但不显著。③正规金融借贷在社会资本影响农户多维贫困的关系中存在中介效应,非正规金融借贷在社会资本影响农户多维贫困的关系中不存在中介效应。政策建议如下:①政府应进一步完善农户多维贫困评价指标体系,在收入、教育、健康和生活水平等多维福利方面进行精准识别和精准帮扶,改善人居环境。②农户要维护和扩展自身的社会关系网络,丰富社会资本存量,积极发挥社会资本的减贫作用。③完善农村地区的正规金融服务体系,同时加强非正规金融的合法化和正规化,积极推进农村正规金融与非正规金融的合作与发展,以期为政府制定新时期精准扶贫政策及其他连片特困地区和深度贫困地区脱贫攻坚提供参考。 Taking the micro-survey data in three provinces of Qinba Mountain as an example,this paper uses the A-F method to measure the multi-dimensional poverty of farmers. Based on the median effect test of the binary logistic model reveals social capital,financial lending,and multi-dimensional poverty of farmers. The results are as follows: ①Farmers have a higher incidence of poverty in the dimensions of toilet type,cooking fuel,disease and education level. When K = 3,the multi-dimensional poverty rate of farmers is0. 856 3,meanwhile,the poverty intensity index and the multi-dimensional poverty index are 0. 394 5 and 0. 337 8. ②The amount of gift money,number of helpers,and the number of relatives and friends in the institution have a significant negative impact on the multidimensional poverty of farmers. It shows that the improvement of social capital can effectively alleviate the multi-dimensional poverty of farmers. Formal financial lending and informal financial lending have a negative impact on multi-dimensional poverty of farmers,indicating that the increase of financial lending can reduce the occurrence of multi-dimensional poverty among farmers. Social capital has a significant positive impact on formal financial lending,and has a positive impact on informal financial lending,but not significant. ③Formal financial lending has a mediating effect in the relationship between social capital and multi-dimensional poverty of farmers,informal financial lending does not have an intermediary effect in the relationship between social capital and multi-dimensional poverty. The policy recommendations as follows: ①The government should further improve the multi-dimensional poverty evaluation index system,accurately identify and provide accurate assistance in terms of Muti-diuensional welfare such as income,education,health and living standards,and improve the living environment. ②Farmers should maintain and expand their social network,enrich the stock of social capital,and actively play the role of social capital in poverty reduction. ③The government should further improve the formal financial service system in rural areas,strengthen the legalization and regularization of informal finance,and actively promote the cooperation and development of rural formal finance and informal finance. It is intended to provide a reference for the government to formulate a precise poverty alleviation policy in the new period and other poverty-stricken areas and poverty-stricken areas.
作者 王恒 秦国庆 王博 朱玉春 WANG Heng;QIN Guo-qing;WANG Bo;ZHU Yu-chun(College of Economics&Management,Northwest A&F University,Yangling Shaanxi 712100,China)
出处 《中国人口·资源与环境》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2019年第11期167-176,共10页 China Population,Resources and Environment
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目“集中连片特困区农户贫困脆弱性研究:资源禀赋与风险冲击视角”(批准号:17YJA790102) 陕西省2017年软科学项目“秦巴山区农户贫困脆弱性研究:社会网络和风险冲击视角”(批准号:2017KRM148)
关键词 社会资本 金融借贷 农户 多维贫困 social capital financial lending rural households multi-dimensional poverty
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