
热概念的冷思考:创意写作中国本土化发展述评(2009—2019) 被引量:9

Cold Reflection on the Hot Concept: A Review of the Localization of Creative Writing in China(2009-2019)
摘要 英语教育中的Creative Writing在2009年被系统引介到中国大陆,"创意写作"的译法广为接受,复旦大学、上海大学、中国人民大学等高校开始了相关教学和实践。创意写作研究者以革新者的姿态,对两个方面发起挑战:一是挑战中文学科不培养作家、作家无法培养的传统观念,二是高呼取代现代写作学,要形成文学、语言学和创意写作学三者并驾齐驱的学科格局。应该看到,过去十余年,创意写作相关著作无论是翻译自国外还是本土学者撰写,都有所增长,写作课类书籍成为图书市场上的亮点;少部分学者不断发表的论文,受到了研究者的关注;中文学科的培养观念有所改变,驻校作家等项目不断实施。但创意写作论著涌现的同时不乏隐忧,其向上突破的瓶颈已经有所显现。因此,未来创意写作学的发展需要回归概念本身,夯实理论基础,厘清发展边界,在中文学科寻找合适位置,与写作学形成发展合力,方能解决生存发展的悖论和困境,在下一个十年实现本土化发展的突破。 Creative writing was introduced to the Chinese mainland in 2009. The translation of creative writing as Chuangyi Xiezuo(创意写作)has been widely accepted. Fudan University, Shanghai University, Renmin University of China and other universities are engaged in the teaching of creative writing. As innovators, creative writing researchers challenge two aspects. On the one hand, they challenge the traditional concepts of Chinese disciplines, which used not to aim at cultivating writers and writers. On the other hand, they shout for the replacement of modern Grammatology and establishing a discipline pattern in which literature, linguistics and creative writing go hand in hand. It should be noted that in the past decade, the publications on creative writing have increased, including those translated from overseas and written by native scholars. The books on writing subjects have become a bright spot in the book market.A small number of scholars publish papers, which have attracted researchers’ attention. The training aim of Chinese department has changed gradually, and resident writers and other projects have been implemented. However, some problems emerge with creative writing booming. Therefore, the development of creative writing in the future need to return to the concept itself. It should consolidate the theoretical basis, clarify the disciplinary boundary, and find its suitable position in the domains Chinese language and literature. Furthermore, in order to solve the paradox and predicament of its existence and development, it need to form a joint force with Grammatology. Taking this approach,creative writing may achieve a breakthrough in the next decade.
作者 宋时磊 Song Shilei(School of Chinese Language and Literature,Wuhan University,Wuhan 430072,Hubei,China)
机构地区 武汉大学文学院
出处 《长江学术》 CSSCI 2019年第4期79-89,共11页 Yangtze River Academic
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目(16CSS012) 武汉大学自主科研项目青年项目(413000007)
关键词 创意写作 概念史 写作学 中文教育 Creative Writing Concept History Writing Studies Chinese Education
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