Purpose: To strictly evaluate the quality of guidelines on risk factors related to secondaryprevention of myocardial infarction (MI), and to summarize and analyze the relevantrecommendations, and to provide evidence-based support for medical staff to developinterventions related risk factors for MI patients. Methods: The professional guideline websitesand databases in English and Chinese were retrieved, and the references related guidelines weretraced to get the published guidelines. Appraisal of Guidelines for Research and Evaluation IIwas used to evaluate the methodological quality of the guidelines. Then the relevantrecommendations for MI were summarized and analyzed. Results: A total of 8 guidelines,including evidence-based guidelines and expert consensus were included in the initial review of2,099 articles, among which 2 from the UK, 1 from the US and 5 from China. The overallquality of the included guidelines is moderate. However, some guidelines score relatively lowin the dimensions of rigor of development, clarity of presentations and editorial independence.A total of 24 items were extracted, including three risk factors: blood pressure, blood sugar andblood lipid. The recommendations mainly cover the relevant target values of risk factors,providing evidence-based support for medical staff to control and guide the risk factors ofpatients with MI in three aspects, such as blood pressure, blood sugar and blood lipid, whichproviding the theory basis for self-monitoring. Conclusions: It is recommended that clinicalpractice on risk factors of MI should be based on best evidence and fully put the individualfactors into account.
This research was funded by National Natural Science Foundation (No. 81703936).