
Rh(D)阴性孕晚期轻度贫血孕妇实施预存式自体输血的疗效观察 被引量:4

Effect of Autologous Blood Donation in Rh(D)Negative Pregnant Women with Mild Anemia in Late Pregnancy
摘要 目的观察Rh(D)阴性孕晚期轻度贫血孕妇实施预存式自体输血(PABD)的临床疗效。方法对孕晚期轻度贫血孕妇进行贫血纠正,比较纠正前后Hb差异,对Hb>110 g/L的孕妇实施PABD,观察并记录孕妇采血全程生命体征变化,比较采血前后血压、心率、呼吸和胎心音变化,以及采血和输血前和后1天Hb变化,记录新生儿体重、1分钟Apgar评分和输血不良反应发生情况。结果纠正贫血后Hb水平显著高于治疗前(P<0.05);孕妇采血前后血压、心率、呼吸和胎心音无统计学差异(P>0.05),采血前和采血后1天Hb水平比较无统计学差异(P>0.05);新生儿体重及1分钟Apgar评分在正常范围;回输后1d Hb水平显著高于回输前(P<0.05),无一例输血不良反应发生。结论Rh(D)阴性孕晚期轻度贫血孕妇经贫血纠正后,当Hb>110 g/L可实施PABD,对孕妇及新生儿未造成不良影响,临床疗效显著,值得推广。 Objective To observe the clinical effect of preoperative autologous blood donation(PABD)in Rh(D)negative preg?nant women with mild anemia in late pregnancy.Methods Choosing the pregnant women who met the criteria for anemia drug therapy,and comparing the Hb levels before and after the treatment of anemia.PABD was performed on pregnant women who met the require?ments,to compare of the indicators before and after blood collection and Hb changes before and after blood transfusion,and to record birth weight,1 minute Apgar score,and adverse transfusion reactions.Results The Hb level of pregnant women with anemia after treatment was significantly higher than that before treatment(P<0.05).There were no significant differences in blood pressure,heart rate,respiration and fetal heart sounds before and after blood collection(P>0.05).There was no significant difference in Hb level be?fore blood collection and after blood collection 1 day(P>0.05).Postpartum neonatal weight and 1 minute Apgar score were in the nor?mal range.The Hb level was significantly higher 1 day after transfusion than before transfusion(P<0.05).And there was no adverse re?action or allogeneic blood transfusion.Conclusion Rh(D)negative late pregnant women with mild anemia were significantly improved by anemia drug treatment.After reaching the standard,PABD can be implemented.It has no adverse effect on pregnant women and newborns,and has significant clinical efficacy,which is worth promoting.
作者 彭荣芳 陆燕运 林敏仪 解绪红 PENG Rong-fang;LU Yan-yun;LIN Min-yi(Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics,Foshan Gaoming District Peo?ple’s Hospital,Foshan,Guangdong,528500,China)
出处 《黑龙江医学》 2019年第11期1329-1331,共3页 Heilongjiang Medical Journal
基金 佛山市十三五重点专科资助项目(FSZDZK135058)
关键词 预存式自体输血 RH(D)阴性 孕妇 贫血 PABD Rh(D)negative Pregnant woman Anemia
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