
盆炎灵口服联合奥硝唑片及头孢呋辛治疗慢性盆腔炎的效果评价 被引量:3

Effect evaluation of oral administration of Penyanling combined with ornidazole tablets and cefuroxime in the treatment of chronic pelvic inflammation
摘要 目的:评价盆炎灵口服联合奥硝唑片及头孢呋辛片治疗慢性盆腔炎的临床效果。方法:选取2017年1月―2018年6月于我院妇科门诊治疗的慢性盆腔炎患者68例,随机数表法分为对照组与观察组,各34例,对照组采用奥硝唑片及头孢呋辛片治疗,观察组在对照组基础此上辅助盆炎灵口服治疗,两组患者均连续治疗10 d。对比临床疗效,病情评分,McGill疼痛评分以及血清白介素6(IL-6)改变。结果:观察组临床疗效显著优于对照组,病情评分显著低于对照组,差别均有统计学意义(P <0.05)。两组患者治疗后McGill疼痛评分,血清IL-6均显著降低,且观察组显著低于对照组,差别均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:盆炎灵口服辅助治疗慢性盆腔炎临床疗效确切,能够显著改善不适症状,其机制可能与下调炎症因子IL-6有关。 Objective: To evaluate the effect of oral administration of Penyanling( 盆炎灵) combined with ornidazole tablets and cefuroxime in the treatment of chronic pelvic inflammation. Methods: From January 2017 to June 2018, 68 patients with chronic pelvic inflammatory disease treated in the outpatient department of gynecology of our hospital were selected. The patients were divided into the control group and the observation group by random number table method, with 34 cases in each group. The control group was treated with ornidazole tablets and cefuroxime tablets, and the observation group was supplemented with oral administration of Penyanling combined with ornidazole tablets and cefuroxime. The patients in both groups were treated for 10 consecutive days. Clinical efficacy, disease score, McGill pain score and serum interleukin-6(IL-6) changes were compared. Results: The clinical efficacy of the observation group was significantly better than that of the control group, and the disease score was significantly lower than that of the control group, which was with statistically significant differences(P < 0.05). After treatment, McGill pain score in both groups was significantly decreased, and IL-6 in the observation group was significantly lower than that in the control group, which was with statistically significant differences(P<0.05). Conclusion: Oral administration of Penyanling was effective in the treatment of chronic pelvic inflammation, and it could significantly relieve the symptoms of discomfort. The mechanism may be related to the down-regulation of inflammatory factor IL-6.
作者 刘志辉 冯书梅 闫彩霞 陈苑红 Liu Zhihui;Feng Shumei;Yan Caixia;Chen Yuanhong
机构地区 东莞市常平医院
出处 《中医临床研究》 2019年第30期106-107,115,共3页 Clinical Journal Of Chinese Medicine
关键词 盆炎灵 慢性盆腔炎 McGill疼痛评分 炎症因子 Penyanling Chronic pelvic inflammation McGill pain score Inflammatory cytokines
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