
综合农艺管理提高夏玉米产量和养分利用效率的潜力 被引量:14

Potential of integrated agronomic practices to increase grain yield and utilization efficiency of fertilizers in summer maize production
摘要 【目的】综合农艺管理影响夏玉米的生长、产量形成和氮磷钾的高效利用。本文从夏玉米种植密度、播期、收获期和施肥几个方面,在优化管理基础上进一步进行了优化,为实现产量和养分利用效率协同提高提供理论依据和科学指导。【方法】试验于2013-2017年在山东农业大学作物生物学国家重点实验室和泰安市大汶口进行,以玉米杂交种郑单958为试验材料,进行了随机区组田间试验。试验设置4个处理:常规对照采用秸秆覆盖,免耕(CK);优化处理(Opt-1),在CK基础上,增加种植密度,延迟收获,减少施氮量并增加施肥次数;最高产量管理模式(HY),基于高产创建经验,实现当地最大田间产量;在优化处理(Opt-2),在HY基础上,降低种植密度和施氮量,以期实现产量效率协同提高。后三个处理的耕作方式均为秸秆还田,浅旋耕。测定夏玉米产量、干物质重和氮磷钾利用效率等指标。【结果】所有测定指标五年试验处理间差异趋势一致、稳定,显示了综合农艺措施对产量影响的稳定性。与CK和Opt-1相比,Opt-2处理产量分别提高了27.6%~37.9%和19.2%~31.9%;抽雄期干物质重分别提高了22.8%~25.0%和13.2%~20.3%;成熟期干物质重分别提高了24.0%~31.9%和8.2%~16.4%。Opt-2处理花前干物质转运效率和贡献率显著低于Opt-1和HY处理,但花后积累量较CK和Opt-1处理提高了28.7%~36.8%,且与HY处理无显著差异。Opt-2处理的籽粒氮、磷和钾积累量分别为146.0~171.4 kg/hm^2、75.6~92.7 kg/hm^2和40.0~43.8 kg/hm^2,氮积累量分别比CK和Opt-1高20.5%~68.4%和12.5%~29.2%,但是比HY处理低13.2%~19.0%;磷积累量显著高于其他处理;钾积累量分别比CK和Opt-1处理高38.4%~58.9%和16.3%~32.6%。Opt-2处理的平均氮肥偏生产力分别比CK和HY处理高62.0%和125.2%,磷肥偏生产力表现相似趋势;Opt-2处理的平均钾肥偏生产力较CK和Opt-1处理下降了64.0%~66.8%。【结论】在播期和收获期不变的前提下,再优化模式通过增加种植密度10%,氮肥用量增加15%,由一次追施改为两次,显著增加了夏玉米整个生育期干物质和氮磷钾养分积累量,特别是增加了花后干物质积累量,增产27.6%~37.9%,氮、磷肥效率提高47.5%~67.6%,实现了产量和肥料效率的协同提高。 【Objectives】Integrated and concord agronomic practices are the foundation of the high grain yield and fertilizer efficiencies in summer maize production in Shandong Province. The current integrated management was modified and testified in this paper, for achieving the highest potentials of yield and efficiency in maize production.【Methods】The testify experiment was conducted in State Key Laboratory of Crop Biology and College of Agronomy, located in Dawenkou County of Tai’an City, from 2013 to 2017. A summer maize hybrid of ‘Zhengdan958’ was used as the experimental material. The experiment was composed of four treatments:local conventional practice CK(no tillage, straw returning);Opt-1(relative to CK,delay maize harvesting,increase planting density, decrease N application rate, and split apply fertilizers);HY(the maximum grain yield with highest fertilizer rate and three application practices);Opt-2(decrease planting density and fertilizer rate).The grain yield, dry matter weight and utilization efficiency of N, P and K of summer maize were measured.【Results】The grain yield of Opt-2 treatment was 27.6%–37.9% and 19.2%–31.9% higher than those of CK and Opt-1 treatment, but significantly lower than those of HY treatment;its average dry matter translocation efficiency was 5.8% higher than that of CK, but lower than those of Opt-1 and HY treatment;the contribution of dry matter accumulated before tasseling stage was significantly lower than Opt-1 and HY as well, but the average dry matter accumulation after tasseling was 28.7%–36.8% higher than CK and Opt-1, which was similar with HY treatment. The grain N accumulation in Opt-2 treatment was 146.0–171.4 kg/hm^2, which was lower than that in HY treatment but higher than in CK and Opt-1 treatment. The grain P accumulation in Opt-2 treatment was 75.6–92.7 kg/hm^2, which was higher than all the other treatments. The grain K accumulation in Opt-2 was 40.0–43.8 kg/hm^2, which was 38.3%–58.9% and 16.3%–32.6% higher than those in CK and Opt-1 treatment, respectively. The utilization efficiencies of N and P in Opt-2 treatment were highest but that of K was the lowest.【Conclusions】Under the same sowing and harvest date with conventional optimum practices in maize, the modified optimum practices increase plant density by 10% and nitrogen fertilizer rate by 15%, and conduct twice top dressing. As a result, the dry matter accumulation of the whole growing period is significantly increased, especially that after tasseling, and the high yield is increased by 27.6%–37.9%, and the partial fertilizer productivities of N and P increased by 47.5%–67.6%.
作者 刘正 高佳 高飞 杨今胜 任佰朝 张吉旺 LIU Zheng;GAO Jia;GAO Fei;YANG Jin-sheng;REN Bai-zhao;ZHANG Ji-wang(State Key Laboratory of Crop Biology and College of Agronomy/Shandong Agricultural University,Taian,Shandong 271018,China;Shandong Provincial Key Laboratory of Corn Breeding and Cultivation Technology/Shandong Denghai Seeds Co.Ltd,,Laizhou,Shandong 261448,China)
出处 《植物营养与肥料学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第11期1847-1855,共9页 Journal of Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers
基金 国家现代农业产业技术体系(CARS-02-18) 国家重点研发计划(2017YFD0300304-02) 国家自然科学基金项目(31671629) 山东省重点研发计划项目(2016GGH4506)
关键词 夏玉米 综合农艺管理 产量 肥料偏生产力 summer maize integrated agronomic practices grain yield fertilizer partial factor production
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