
制度建设和治理能力建设的战略部署——学习党的十九届四中全会精神的体会 被引量:2

Strategic Arrangements of Institutional Building and Governance Capacity Building: Understandings of the Spirit of the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee
摘要 党的十九届四中全会作出的同党的十九大制定的现代化纲领相匹配的制度建设和治理能力建设的战略部署,是改革开放以来我们在制度改革和制度建设不断深化的实践中逐步形成的。中国制度和治理体系具有卓越有效性、强大生命力和巨大优越性。制度建设和治理能力建设的总体要求,就是要突出坚持和完善支撑中国特色社会主义制度的根本制度、基本制度、重要制度,把我国制度优势更好转化为国家治理效能;而总体目标,就是“分三步走”,全面实现国家治理体系和治理能力现代化,使中国特色社会主义制度更加巩固、优越性充分展现。中国向世界贡献了一种非西方化的国家制度和治理体系。 The strategic arrangements,in line with the modernization program of the 19th Party Congress,of institutional building and governance capacity building made by the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee have been formed gradually in our ascending practice in institutional reform and building since the reform and opening-up.The Chinese institutions and governance system are extraordinarily effective,powerfully vigorous,and greatly advantageous.The general demand of institutional building and governance capacity building is to highlight the persistence to and improvement of the fundamental,basic,and important institutions supporting the socialist system with Chinese characteristics to convert our country’s institutional advantages more efficiently into the effectiveness of state governance;while the general goal is“the three steps forward”to realize the modernization of state governance system and governance capacity in all aspects,to further consolidate the socialist system with Chinese characteristics,and to sufficiently demonstrate its advantages.China contributes to the world a non-westernized state system and governance system.
作者 李君如 LI Junru(Party School of the Central Committee of CPC〔Chinese Academy of Governance〕,Beijing 100091)
出处 《中国浦东干部学院学报》 2019年第6期19-27,共9页 Journal of China Executive Leadership Academy Pudong
关键词 党的十九届四中全会 中国特色社会主义制度 国家治理体系和治理能力现代化 制度建设 治理能力建设 the Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee socialist system with Chinese characteristics modernization of state governance system and governance capacity institutional building governance capacity building
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