

The Holy Family from the Perspective of the Philosophy of Life:Historical Conditions,Epochal Tasks and Research Approaches Starting from “Life”
摘要 对马克思主义经典文献《神圣家族》进行解读后可以发现,它本身就是体现马克思和恩格斯正在形成全新的生活世界观的重要理论著作。马克思和恩格斯批判青年黑格尔派没有深入到资本主义的具体的历史条件当中,反而掩盖生活贫困的事实,回避自由资本主义发展阶段的经济危机。他们深入现实生活的本身,分析了资本主义发展的历史条件,从资本主义的内在矛盾中否定了资本主义的生产方式和生活方式。通过批判思辨唯心主义和国民经济学,扬弃蒲鲁东的小资产阶级理论,马克思和恩格斯转向了感性实践的生活哲学,形成了从批判观念的世界到改造人的生活世界的研究路径。面对新时代广大人民群众对“美好生活”的向往,考察马克思和恩格斯思想轨迹转变的方法论启示,对于中国特色社会主义建设具有重要的理论指导意义。 Analysis of the Marxist classic the Holy Family reveals that it is an important theoretical work that reflects Marx and Engels’s formation of a band new world view of life.Marx and Engels criticize that instead of entering the specific historical conditions of capitalism,the young Hegelians conceal the facts of living in poverty and turn a blind eye to the economic crisis in the developing stage of liberal capitalism.Marx and Engels penetrate the real life itself,analyze the historical conditions of capitalist development,and negate the capitalist modes of production and life from the intrinsic contradiction of capitalism.By pondering and criticizing idealism and national economics,and abandoning Proudhon’s petty bourgeois theory,Marx and Engels turn to the philosophy of life in perceptual practice and form a research approach from criticizing the world of ideas to reforming the world of human life.For the people’s need for“a better life”in the new era,to review the methodological inspirations of Marx and Engels’s mentality transformation is of great theoretical guidance to build socialism with Chinese characteristics.
作者 任帅军 REN Shuaijun(School of Marxism,Fudan University,Shanghai 200433)
出处 《中国浦东干部学院学报》 2019年第6期64-71,63,共9页 Journal of China Executive Leadership Academy Pudong
基金 上海市哲学社会科学规划青年课题“人权价值的生活实现问题研究”(2016EKS006) 复旦大学马克思主义发展史学科提升项目“《神圣家族》:文本逻辑与思想内涵”(XWH6064203)
关键词 《神圣家族》 经济危机 生活贫困 私有财产 生活哲学 the Holy Family financial crisis living in poverty private property the philosophy of life
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