
以唯物史观引领“三大体系”建设 被引量:8

Special Issue on“Constructing Academic System”
摘要 我讲的题目是:以唯物史观引领“三大体系”建设。今天我们主要讨论的是中国特色哲学社会科学学术体系,关于这个主题,我谈一些自己的体会。第一,构建中国特色哲学社会科学学术体系是一项时代的任务。我是研究哲学的,黑格尔将哲学理解为“把握在思想中的时代”,马克思说,真正的哲学是“时代精神的精华”。我们提出构建中国特色哲学社会科学,现在又提出“三大体系”的建设任务,这并不是仅仅在书斋里构想出来的东西,它首先与我们这个时代有关。 Editor’s note:In his speech at the Symposium on Philosophy and Social Sciences,General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out:“we should construct philosophy and social sciences with Chinese characteristics starting from where China stands,learning from foreign countries exploring history,grasping the contemporary era,caring for mankind,and facing the future,while fully demonstrating Chinese characteristics,Chinese style,and Chinese attitude within China’s guiding ideology,disciplinary system,academic system,discourse system and more.”The speech profoundly elaborated the historical position and value of philosophy and social sciences in our time,and it laid out important plans for accelerating the construction of philosophy and social sciences with Chinese characteristics.Xie Fuzhan,President of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,pointed out that the“academic system is the core of accelerating the construction of philosophy and social sciences with Chinese characteristics,”and it“is the core and support of the disciplinary system and discourse system,and its level and attributes determine those of the latter two systems.”Therefore,on August 24,2019,the Social Sciences in China Press held a symposium on“Accelerating the Construction of the Academic System of Philosophy and Social Sciences with Chinese Characteristics,”and invited professional and accomplished scholars in this field to have a discussion on this topic in terms of the theoretical roots,basic methods,and academic resources of contemporary Chinese philosophy and social sciences.We selected seven speeches in this vein,looking forward to stimulating more in-depth discussion in academia and further enhancing theoretical consciousness in the construction of philosophy and social sciences with Chinese characteristics.
作者 吴晓明
出处 《中国社会科学评价》 2019年第4期4-7,139,共5页 China Social Science Review
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