Treaties are very important for international exchanges,and the language they use represents the official language of communication between states.During the Qing dynasty,the authorized text of Sino-foreign treaties underwent a change:before the first Opium War,a treaty’s official language was that of both parties or a third party,reflecting the idea of equality;but after the Opium War,“inequal”became the leitmotif of treaties,although tradition and custom meant that the Chinese text was still official.The Treaty of Tianjin of 1858 between China and Britain completely changed the position of the official text,launching an era in which the foreign language text was the official standard in Sino-foreign treaties.This represented a linguistic imposition on China on the part of the powers.One cannot overplay the“national”component and“ethnic”coloration of Qing rule in treaty texts;the texts do not reflect any heightened awareness of a“national language”among the rulers.
Historical Research