
油气储运中油气回收技术的发展与应用 被引量:8

Development and Application of Oil and Gas Recovery Technology in Oil and Gas Storage and Transportation
摘要 石油和天然气作为重要的能源已经成为社会发展必不可少的一部分,不论是生活还是工业上都离不开。但是,伴随着人们对其需求的不断增加,作为不可再生资源,其整体储量不断减少。就国内石油天然气的资源状况来说,单靠本土开采的资源已经不能够满足社会的需求,需要大量的进口。面对如此境况,国家开始重视油气储运中的油气回收技术,该技术的发展在很大程度上影响着石油天然气资源的利用率。本文通过对国内外油气回收的现实状况、当下油气回收中常见的技术以及油气回收技术优化调整策略等做出介绍,希望对该行业的发展有所帮助。 Oil and natural gas,as important energy sources,have become an indispensable part of the current social development. They are indispensable to both life and industry. However,with the increasing demand for it,as a non-renewable resource,its overall reserves are decreasing. As far as domestic oil and gas resources are concerned,the resources exploited locally alone can not meet the needs of society and need a large number of imports. Faced with such a situation,the country began to attach importance to oil and gas recovery technology in oil and gas storage and transportation. The development of this technology has a great impact on the utilization of oil and gas resources. This paper introduces the actual situation of oil and gas recovery at home and abroad,the common technologies in oil and gas recovery at present,and the optimization and adjustment strategy of oil and gas recovery technology. I hope it will be helpful to the development of this industry.
作者 何倩 He Qian(Tianbao Zhongtian Science and Technology(Tianjin)Co.,Ltd.,Tianjin 300308)
出处 《石化技术》 CAS 2019年第10期42-43,共2页 Petrochemical Industry Technology
关键词 油气储运 油气回收技术 发展 策略 Oil & Gas Storage and Transportation Oil and Gas Recovery Technology Development strategy
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