

The Impact of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Regional Cultural Ecology on Hard Power of Distance Education
摘要 硬实力是指在远程教育的市场竞争中,具有支配性实力的事业拓展实力和能力,是开放大学在知识经济时代,学校科技创新实力、经济增长实力和社会服务实力等的综合。京津冀地域文化生态特征,决定其京津冀开放大学远程教育的硬实力打造,必然能产生三方面影响:一是地域科技产业文化生态及其合作共赢与示范效应特征对远程教育协同发展创新力的建构影响;二是地域园区建设文化生态及其产业孵化与示范推广特征对远程教育协同发展引领力的建构影响;三是地域高教资源文化生态及其聚集效应与溢出效应特征对远程教育协同发展辐射力的建构影响。。 THard power refers to the expansion of strength and ability of a business with dominant strength in the market competition of distance education.For open university it is a combination of science and technology innovation,economic growth and social service strength in the era of knowledge economy.The regional cultural and ecological characteristics of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region determine the hard power building of the distance education of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei in Open University,which will inevitably have influence on three aspects:The first is the influence of the cultural ecology of regional science and technology industry and its characteristics of win-win cooperation and demonstration effect on the construction of innovation ability in the collaborative development of distance education;The second is the influence of the cultural ecology of regional park construction and the characteristics of industrial incubation,demonstration and promotion on the construction of the leading force of the collaborative development of distance education;The third is the influence of regional higher education resource culture ecology and its aggregation effect and spillover effect on the construction of radiation force in the collaborative development of distance education.
作者 张亚斌 韩瑞婷 Zhang Yabin;Han Ruiting(Beijing Open University,Beijing 100081;Beijing Open University Dongcheng Branch,Beijing 100010)
出处 《陕西广播电视大学学报》 2019年第4期10-14,共5页 Journal of Shaanxi Radio & TV University
基金 北京市社会科学基金项目“基于地域文化生态的‘京津冀’远程教育区域合作与发展研究”(项目编号:15JYB022)阶段性成果之一
关键词 京津冀 地域文化生态 区域远程教育 协同发展 硬实力 Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Regional cultural ecology Regional distance education Collaborative development Hard power
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