

Applying Dual-channel Theory to Design Information Literacy Educational Game Follow Me to Write an Academic Paper
摘要 针对学生不熟悉学术论文格式规范这一比较普遍的问题,课题组以双通道理论为指导,使用Unity 3D软件设计了一款动作模拟游戏《跟我学做文章》,让玩家跟着一个小精灵学习论文写作的基本格式规范与技巧。为检验双通道理论的运用效果,游戏设计了语音版和文本版。经测试发现,运用双通道理论设计的语音版游戏,灵活运用文字、图片、动画和声音呈现学习材料,通过声音向玩家传递指令和反馈信息,各项指标都优于文本版游戏,减轻了玩家的认知负荷,丰富了游戏反馈形式和玩家游戏体验;绝大部分学生都能完成全部的实测任务,表明该游戏成功地实现了学习迁移。 In order to solve the common problem that students are not familiar with the format specifications of academic paper, the research team designed a simulation game Follow Me to Write an Academic Paper guided by the dual-channel theory applying Unity 3 D. In the game, the player follows an elf to learn the basic format specifications and writing skills of academic paper. The audio version and text version of the game were developed to test the dual-channel theory. After testing, it is found that the voice game designed by the two-channel theory can flexibly use words, pictures, animations and sounds to present learning materials, transmit instructions and feedback information to the players through sound. With every indicator is superior to the text game, the voice game can reduce the cognitive load of the players, enrich the game feedback form and the player’s game experience, while most of the students can complete all the reality test task shows that the game successfully realizes learning transfer.
作者 吴建华 丁复珍 靳艺文 李梅娟 Wu Jianhua;Ding Fuzhen;Jin Yiwen;Li Meijuan
出处 《大学图书馆学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第6期100-106,共7页 Journal of Academic Libraries
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“信息素质教育网络游戏模型与实证研究”(项目编号:13BTQ024)研究成果之一
关键词 双通道理论 信息素质教育 信息素养 教育游戏 论文规范 Dual Channel Theory Information Literacy Education Information Literacy Educational Game Specifications of Academic Paper
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