

Mineralogical Study on a Copper Ore Originated from Congo(DRC)
摘要 以矿相显微镜鉴定为主要手段,辅助以化学分析、扫描电镜能谱分析和INCA MINERAL矿物分析软件的分析结果相结合的方法,对刚果(金)的一批铜矿石进行系统的工艺矿物学研究,研究内容包括矿石的矿物组成和含量,主要矿物产出特征和粒度分布特点,铜元素赋存状态等,根据研究结果分析出影响铜回收的主要因素较多,主要有矿石氧化率高,铜矿物种类多,细粒铜矿物含量高,铜矿物的嵌布特征和铜的附存状态复杂等。 Mineralogical study is carried out by multiple methods such as identified under a microscope,chemical analysis,means of SEM and INCA MINERAL software analysis.The features of mineral such as the ore composition,the grain size of copper mineral,the embedded features of the main minerals,the occurrence state of copper have been determined.After full appraisal,the results of the research led us to the conclusion that the main facters influencing Cu recovery are mineral variety in ore,the high oxidation ratio of the ore,the smaller grain size of copper mineral,the complex embedded features of minerals,the complex occurrence state of copper etc.
作者 单连军 SHAN Lian-jun(Shenyang Research Institute of Nonferrous Metal Co.,Ltd.,Shenyang 110141,China)
出处 《有色矿冶》 2019年第6期23-27,共5页 Non-Ferrous Mining and Metallurgy
关键词 刚果(金) 铜矿石 工艺矿物学 Congo(DRC) copper ore process mineralogy
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