
埋地管道-砂土横向相互作用试验及理论研究 被引量:9

Experimental and Analytical Investigations of Lateral Sand-Pipe Interaction
摘要 通过埋地管道-砂土的横向相互作用试验,研究了砂土密实度、管径、埋深等对土体极限抗力的影响,初步探讨不同埋深下的管土相互作用规律。根据试验中浅埋与深埋下管周土体不同的破坏模式,分别建立了管周土体破坏简化计算模型。借鉴桩土相互作用p—y曲线方法对管周土体发生不同破坏模式时的土体极限抗力进行了理论推导,并给出分别适用于浅埋与深埋工况下的土体极限抗力计算公式。结果表明,埋地管道-砂土相互作用简化计算公式与已有试验及数值模拟结果均具有较高吻合度,验证了公式计算结果的准确性。 A series of lateral sand-pipe interaction tests were performed to investigate the influences of critical parameters including sand density,pipe diameter,burial depth on the peak soil ultimate resistance and to preliminarily reveal the sand-pipe interaction mechanism at different burial depths.Simplified analytical models were developed for different failure modes of sand for shallow and deep pipe burial depths.Following the methods of p-ycurves used in the analysis of soil-pile interactions,analytical solutions of peak lateral soil resistance to the pipe were derived for different soil failure modes corresponding to shallow and deep burial conditions based on the simplified analytical models.From the experimental and analytical results,it was found that the proposed analytical models for lateral sand-pipe interaction can well predict the experimental results as well as numerical results from previous research for both shallow and deep burial conditions.This validates the accuracy and feasibility of the proposed analytical models.
作者 郝亚茹 钟紫蓝 李立云 赵密 杜修力 李金龙 HAO Yaru;ZHONG Zilan;LI Liyun;ZHAO Mi;DU Xiuli;LI Jinlong(Key Laboratory of Urban Security and Disaster Engineering of Ministry of Education,Beijing University of Technology,Beijing 100124,China)
出处 《防灾减灾工程学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第5期817-826,共10页 Journal of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金(51508013) 北京市博士后基金(2016ZZ-08) 朝阳区博士后基金(2016ZZ-01-04)资助
关键词 埋地管道 砂土 横向承载力系数 土体极限抗力 buried pipes sand transverse bearing capacity factor soil ultimate resistance
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