

Application Research of System Thought in Precision Poverty Alleviation Practice
摘要 精准扶贫是党的十八以来重点推进的民生工程之一,随着脱贫攻坚实践的长效开展取得了突出成果,如今进入了攻坚的决胜阶段,剩下的都是最难啃的"硬骨头",要处理好实践中的余留问题,不仅需要在实践上下足"绣花"功夫,同时要在拓新思维方式上不断探索。系统思想作为科学的思维方法在各领域实践中的应用已经较为成熟,将系统思想与决胜期的扶贫工作实践相结合,对其工作思路进行系统化的梳理,将为全面脱贫提供新思路。本文从系统思想在精准扶贫实践中的应用境况出发,将系统思想的特征贯彻于精准扶贫的具体实践中,构建层次清晰、动态开放、和谐共存、具有强大合力的精准扶贫系统思维体系,并协调好精准扶贫系统要素之间的关系,为决胜脱贫攻坚"最后一公里"提供新动能。 Accurate poverty alleviation is one of the people’s livelihood projects that have been promoted since the Eighteenth Congress of the Communist Party of China. With the long-term development of poverty alleviation and practice, outstanding achievements have been made. However, nowadays, it has entered the stage of decisive struggle to overcome poverty and the rest. It is the most difficult "hard bone". To deal with the remaining problems in practice, it is necessary not only to "embroidery" in practice, but also to explore new ways of thinking. The application of system thinking as a scientific thinking method in various fields of practice has been relatively mature. Combining system thinking with the poverty alleviation work practice in the decisive period is conducive to systematically sorting out its working ideas, thus providing new ideas for comprehensive poverty alleviation. Based on the application of system thinking in the practice of precision poverty alleviation, this paper implements the characteristics of system thinking in the specific practice of precision poverty alleviation, and builds a precise poverty alleviation system thinking system with clear levels, dynamic openness, harmonious coexistence and strong synergy and coordination. The relationship between the various elements of a good and accurate poverty alleviation system provides new dynamism for the "last mile" of winning the fight against poverty.
作者 唐万辉 程燕子 TANG Wanhui;CHENG Yanzi(School of Marxism,Shaanxi Normal University,Xian Shanxi 710119)
出处 《山东农业工程学院学报》 2019年第11期75-80,共6页 The Journal of Shandong Agriculture and Engineering University
基金 陕西师范大学重大横向课题“白河县精准扶贫模式研究”阶段性研究成果
关键词 精准扶贫 系统思想 应用 precise poverty alleviation system thinking application
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