Microscopic traffic simulations are useful for solving various trafficrelated problems,e.g.traffic jams and accidents,local and global environmental and energy problems,maintaining mobility in aging societies,and evacuation planning for natural as well as man-made disasters.The origin-destination(OD)matrix is often used as the input to represent traffic demands into traffic simulators.In this study,we propose an indirect method for estimating the OD matrix using a traffic simulator as an internal model.The proposed method is designed to output results that are consistent with the input of the simulator.The method consists of the following steps:(1)calculating link traffic volume from the OD matrix,and(2)updating the matrix.The estimated matrix is updated iteratively until it converges to a predefined tolerance level.Numerical experiments are then conducted using the proposed method on a grid network and on a representation of an actual road network.Finally,we discuss the characteristics of the proposed method and the non-negative constraint for the traffic volume.