
Nb含量对FeAlCuCrNiNb_x系高熵合金组织及性能的影响 被引量:3

Effect of Nb element content on microstructure and properties of FeAlCuCrNiNb_x high entropy alloy
摘要 为了研究Nb对FeAlCuCrNiNb x系高熵合金的组织及性能的影响,采用药芯焊丝堆焊方法制备FeAlCuCrNiNb x系高熵合金,对焊缝进行了硬度、显微组织和物相组成的分析。结果表明,对于FeAlCuCrNiNb x系高熵合金而言,加入Nb对合金硬度的提高有一定的积极作用,当Nb摩尔比为0.8时,合金堆焊层的硬度最高,平均硬度达到49.53 HRC,磨损量最小为0.28 g。随着Nb的加入,该系高熵合金的晶粒对尺寸先减小后增大,当Nb摩尔比为0.6时,FeAlCuCrNiNb x系高熵合金晶粒尺寸最小,析出物最少。Nb摩尔比继续增加,合金组织出现大量高硬度析出物。 In order to study effect of Nb element content on microstructure and properties of FeAlCuCrNiNb x high-entropy alloy,FeAlCuCrNiNb x high-entropy alloy was prepared by flux-cored wire surfacing method,while hardness,microstructure and phase composition of the weld were analyzed.The results showed that for FeAlNiNb x CuCr series high entropy alloys,addition of Nb element had a certain positive effect on hardness of the alloy.When Nb molar ratio was 0.8,hardness of the surfacing layer was the highest.The average hardness was 49.53 HRC and the smallest wear extent was 0.28 g.With the addition of Nb element,grain size of the high-entropy alloy first decreased and then increased.When Nb molar ratio was 0.6,the FeAlNiNb x CuCr high-entropy alloy had the smallest grain size and the least precipitate.When Nb molar ratio continued to increase,a large amount of high hardness precipitates appeared in microstructure of the alloy.
作者 郭世彬 肖传栋 辛丽雪 张佳莹 Guo Shibin;Xiao Chuandong;Xin Lixue;Zhang Jiaying(CRRC SIFANG CO.,LTD.,Qingdao 266111,Shandong,China;Dalian Locomotive&Rolling Stock Works Spare Parts Facture,Dalian 116021,Liaoning,China;Dalian Jiaotong University,Dalian 116028,Liaoning,China)
出处 《焊接》 2019年第10期21-24,I0003,共5页 Welding & Joining
基金 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目资助(51905070)
关键词 高熵合金 药芯焊丝 组织 硬度 磨损 堆焊 high entropy alloy flux-cored wire microstructure hardness wear surfacing
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