

Historical Opportunity:the History of Mathematics in Liaoning Normal University
摘要 从老一辈数学史家梁宗巨20世纪50年代从事数学史研究算起,数学史在辽宁师范大学已有60余年.经过两代人的坚守努力,创造了国内数学史研究与教学30多年的辉煌: 1981年第一届全国数学史学术讨论会的建议和组织者;全国数学史学会的主要筹备人和负责人;出版第一本国内学者撰写的世界数学史专著;获得第一个世界数学史硕士学位授权点;出版第一本大型数学家传记辞典;出版第一本大型数学史辞典;出版第一部超百万字的世界数学史专著;《中国大百科全书·数学》《世界著名科学家传记·数学家》的主要编撰者;数学史教育研究、数学史融入数学教学(HPM)的倡导者与践行者.这一切的缘由主要来自两点: 一是责任与担当.辽宁师范大学的数学史道路经过艰难求索、执着坚守的阶段.采百家之长,无门户之见.奉献青春年华,专注教研事业是辽宁师范大学数学史人一贯的光荣传统;二是关怀与帮助.辽宁师范大学的数学史研究受到过全国几代数学史家的支持,不仅有老一辈的亲切指教、关爱有加,更有新生代的鼎力相助、无私交流.辽宁师范大学的数学史既有地域、人员的特殊性,更有挚爱专业、献身学术的一般性,是国内数学史界的缩影.2017年大连再次迎来全国数学史盛会,辽宁师范大学的数学史又站在新的起点.回眸过去是为了牢记历史,更是为了展望未来.辽宁师范大学的数学史研究与教学一直离不开学术界的支持,辽宁师范大学的数学史人更期望美好的发展前景. Since Liang Zongju,who was a famous historian of mathematics of old generation,engaged in the study of mathematical history in the 1950s, the history of mathematics in Liaoning Normal University has been more than 60 years.Though two generations' hard work,the research and teaching of the history of mathematics in Liaoning Normal University has been a brilliant career for more than 30 years in China.Such as,the sponsors and organizers of the first China's national academic conference on history of mathematics in 1981,the principal arranger in charge of the Chinese Society for History of Mathematics,publishing the first book for the world history of mathematics written by domestic scholars,being authorized the first qualified unit for program of master's degree of the world history of mathematics,publishing the first large-scale dictionary of mathematician biography,publishing the first large-scale dictionary of mathematical history,publishing the first monograph on the world history of mathematics in which the words were over million,the important member of the compiler of “Chinese Encyclopedia·Mathematics”“Biography of the World's Famous Mathematicians”,advocating and implementing the History and Pedagogy of Mathematics (HPM) which encourages to integrate history of mathematics into education of mathematics,are all the reflections of the great achievements of the study of mathematical history in Liaoning Normal University.Rejoicing in the successes,we realized that so many accomplishments had a lot to do with two traditional virtues from scientists of the history of mathematics.The first is commitment and responsibility.The historian of mathematics in Liaoning Normal University experienced a lot of hardships,they learned from others without any prejudices,dedicating and focusing on teaching and research of the history of mathematics are glorious tradition of them.The second is being caring and supporting.The research on the history of mathematics in Liaoning Normal University has been received not only the cordial guidance and genuine caring from the older generations,but also the generous help and sincere communication from new generations.It is the particularity of the remarkable place and outstanding people of Liaoning Normal University and the generality of the dedicating to the academic career of the Chinese intellectuals that make the research of the mathematical history in Liaoning Normal University a model in China.In 2017,hosting the China's National Mathematical History Conference another time began the new start for Liaoning Normal University's history of mathematics research.Retrospection of the past is not only for remembering the history, but also for looking forward to the future.The research and teaching of the mathematical history has been inseparable from the support of the academic community all over the world.Hope the research on history of mathematics in Liaoning Normal University will be better and better and have a bright future.
作者 王青建 王邵惠子 WANG Qing-jian;WANG Shao-hui-zi(School of Mathematics,Liaoning Normal University,Dalian 116029,Liaoning,China;Anshan New Century Experimental School,Anshan 114000,Liaoning,China)
出处 《内蒙古师范大学学报(自然科学汉文版)》 CAS 2019年第6期555-561,共7页 Journal of Inner Mongolia Normal University(Natural Science Edition)
基金 辽宁省高等教育学会“十三五”规划高等教育课题(GHVB160077)
关键词 世界数学史 数学史研究 数学史教学 数学家传记 the world history of mathematics research for history of mathematics teaching for history of mathematics biography of mathematicians
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