
“自我实现伦理”:达成共同体共识所依赖的自我哲学基础 被引量:5

“Self-realization Ethics”:Philosophical Basis of Self on Which the Community Consensus is Reached
摘要 随着现代人自我的解放、参与共同体的法人自主性增强,共同体的稳定繁荣依赖于这些参与其中的主体自我能动性的发挥。由于主体经历"自我觉醒"、"自我异化"和"关系中自我再审视"三历程,在参与实践中提升"自我反思平衡能力"显得尤为重要,遵循黑格尔"自我实现伦理"的实践哲学,来探寻主体自我与共同体如何通过道德实践来完成对"共同目的"的追求。既完成主体自我的社会化过程,也寻求在道德实践过程中,以开放包容的心态通过主体间交往达成共同体共识,推进分层次多面向达成共识的类型,诸如交往共识、经济共识、政治共识、心理共识和发展共识。从而超越康德的"自我决定道德"形而上哲学,并对其可能导致的道德强制进行反思,也对凭借强制力构筑的同质化共同体提出警醒。"一体多元"的共同体共识达成有赖于"自我实现伦理"的自我实践哲学提供学理性支撑。 With the selfliberation of modern people and the enhancement of legal person’s autonomy to participate in the community, the stability and prosperity of the community depend on the self-initiative of the participants. Since the subject goes through three stages:"self-awakening"、"self-alienation" and "self-reexamination in the relationship", it is particularly important to improve the"self-reflection balance ability"in the practice of participation by following Hegel’s practical philosophy of "self-realization ethics"to explore how the subject self and the community achieve the pursuit of "common purpose"through moral practice. It not only completes the socialization process of the subject, but also seeks to reach community consensus through inter-subject communication with an open and inclusive attitude in the process of moral practice, and promotes the multi-level and multi-oriented types of consensus, such as communication consensus, economic consensus, political consensus, psychological consensus, and development consensus. In this way, we can transcend Kant’s metaphysical philosophy of"self-determined morality", reflect on the moral compulsion it may cause, and alert the homogenized community constructed by coercive force. The consensus of "unity and diversity"community depends on the self-practical philosophy of "self-realization ethics"to provide scientific support.
作者 陈毅 CHEN Yi(School of Political Science and Public Administration,East China University of Political Science and Law,Shanghai 201620,China)
出处 《江苏行政学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第6期87-94,共8页 The Journal of Jiangsu Administration Institute
基金 国家社科基金项目“中国民主的历史演变、话语建构与运行路径”(17BZZ015) 马克思主义理论研究和建设工程重大项目“‘四个全面’战略布局研究”(2015MZD004)子课题的阶段性成果
关键词 共同体 共识 道德 伦理 实践哲学 community consensus morality ethics practical philosophy
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