

Symbolic Meaning of the Image of Swallow in “Double Swallows” by Shi Dazu
摘要 史达祖《双双燕》是“古典诗词中全篇咏燕的绝唱”(高原语)[1]1813,其中包涵着具有一定深度的寄托意蕴。“红楼归晚,看足柳昏花暝。应自栖香正稳,便忘了、天涯芳信”句是全词的词眼。这是因为全部词作的主要意义,通过这个句子基本上给予了完整寄寓。其中所寄寓的意义是,自己没有将出使金国时对敌情准确判断的信息提供给韩侂胄,致使韩侂胄在不能全面了解敌情的情况下,作出了北伐的决策,以至于使自身受到连累的懊悔。作为韩侂胄堂吏的史达祖,是“权炙缙绅”与“拟帖撰旨”的决策人物。史达祖在如此情境中,以感恩的心态去尽职尽责是为必然。因为缺乏准确判断形势的能力,所以出使金国回来不能提供准确情报,是完全可以预想到的事情。史达祖存有感恩心态而懊悔,是创造燕子意象的根本动力。 Gao Yuan once said that Shi Dazu’s“Double Swallows”was the peak of the classical poems which eulogized swallows.This poem contains some kind of implication.“I came back to the Red Tower late,because I had seen the dusky willows and the dim flowers.I should have rest in the flavor;therefore I would have forgotten the letter from the faraway place.”This is the thesis sentence of the poem,which completely embodies the implication of the author,Shi Dazu.In fact,because Shi Dazu himself hadn’t provided the exact judgment of the enemies’situation to Han Tuozhou,and then Han Tuozhou made the decision of northern expedition with incomplete knowledge of the enemies’situation.Shi Dazu was finally involved in this predicament and later wrote down the poem“Double Swallows”to express his regret.As one of the officials of Han Tuozhou’s,Shi Dazu was the policymaker who was so powerful that he drew up all of the documents.In this situation,it was necessary for Shi Dazu to seriously fulfill his duty with gratefulness.Due to his lack of capability of accurate judgment,it was predictable that Shi Dazu could not provide the accurate information after his mission to the Kingdom of Jin.Shi Dazu’s gratefulness and regret drove him to create the image of the swallow.
作者 许兴宝 XU Xing-bao(School of Chinese Language and Literature,Suzhou University of Science and Technology,Suzhou 215009)
出处 《阴山学刊》 2019年第6期16-21,共6页 Yinshan Academic Journal
关键词 史达祖 《双双燕》 燕子 意象 Shi Dazu poem “Double Swallows” swallow image
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